@omnichris: Im all for a literal prequel sequel. Where we get to see the First War between Turians and humans and the Krogan invasion and the release of the genophage and see a young shephard.
@wrecksoul: to be honest... i have to say. the original 2 Zelda games on Nintendo and Super Nintendo, wasnt fun for me at all, but i still finished it. I found final fantasy, much more fun than any Zelda has ever come close to, in the fun catagory. SO it kind of prooves this guys point. Games dont need to be completely fun, to enjoy it.
@Exceed20XX: Movies are terrible, when it starts getting into the 3's catagory..my god. ....Aliens, Superman. Just to name a few. Mind you Star wars trilogies didnt have bad 3's. Lord Of the rings doesnt count, because its a book adaptation.
@wearelegion5000: there's 500'000 people playing CS everyday, thats more than all the Battlefields combined across all consoles and all platforms and all battlefields. Competitive CS is fine and interestingly , i should of taken a photo of this. But i got a notification today that 2 of the people i reported were banned and I got a thank you emblem for reporting them , for Valve through VAC. So when you see a REAL hacker, not one that you think is hacking , but is just a good player. Report them.
We're pretty confident," Colantonio said. "First of all, it's not like we first do the game on console and then in the end we suddenly port the game to PC. It starts on PC. That's how game development works."
"PCs feature different components based on what people want to spend to get the performance they want."
When gaming on PC , i would never go below a certain specification. Like i wouldnt go below a GTX 1070 or AMD equivilent. I actually think many people base their reviews of PC games on performance , because their hardware is sht and are getting most of their complications, because they are expecting awesome performance on middle of the road hardware. I see these reviews on STEAM all the time, where people are constantly stating this game is running bad, or this game is a terrible port and the WORSE one, this game is a terrible port because it requires a controller, well ...it requires a controller, so get a controller, runs like sht, its a bad port, 0/10. Where i NEVER barely have any of the issues they are describing. If you get good hardware and don't skimp, you will find that 95% of the games on PC, run amazing. Like theres seriously only a couple of games that run terribly. But if you have cheap hardware, you will get cheap performance. Of course there's exceptions, like Batman, Assassins creed unity and sometimes games like WRC 4 are locked at 30fps and you have to fiddle with stuff to get the game to run 60fps (That's completely the developer's fault). But they are the exceptions. Dont skimp on CPU and GPU and 95% of the games you play, will run flawlessly ( with a couple of frame drops here and there).
nyran125tk's comments