2 million is a good enough of product sold to get some royalties. Maybe they should get royalty type fees. Without the voice actors some games, would NOT have been anywhere near as enjoyable. Mass Effect Trilogy, mafia, GTA. Tons. Batman , Arkham would not of been half as enjoyable without Mark Hamill.
@frankwes: if its just the rewards and upgrades that make you play these games. you were doomed before purchase. But then I've never been an achievment junkie. I've always been happy with trying to get in the top 3 on a server. That's always my ultimate goal. People use to play Battlefield to get the highest k/d ratio and win for the team and there was NO silly battlepacks, lol. Titanfall2 needs more love to, more people should play that game, it's AWESOME and has skill based achievement awards, I think.
@Popa2caps: the base game has a good amount of content. still would prefer a war type sp campaign where you pick a side historically and fight a territory style sp campaign, like bf1942 with better ai and Bf2 but at least it has a single player portion.
just because something is commercially successful (Resident Evil 6) Doesn't mean it was good and if something is sht, it will effect the bottom line next time. I will not be seeing the next Ghostbusters, not at the movies anyway.
nyran125tk's comments