we can tell code is still being used. It plays almost exactly the same, even the movement and combat is almost the same as Morrowind. I've played Morrowind more times than any other Bestheda game. There's something really awesome about that game, that i've never got out of any other Elder Scrolls games. The dwarven ruins that you learn only little bits about throughout the whole game were interesting. The dark elves capital vivec was interesting. The outskirts of the major towns and the major towns themselves were interesting, you could really feel the sense of the tribes. The Mage faction was interesting and the political house system was also interesting in Morrowind.The towns and villages were interesting and the landscape was a strange mix of volcanic and greenery. The NPC's were interesting and the story was interesting and there was TONS more RPG elements in the game, plus there exploration side of it, had REASONS to explore. You had to literally follow directions to find stuff, like the original Final fantasies, there was no fast travel. Which I also enjoyed, some people today, but not like that. But the game plays very differently to newer elder Scrolls. You woul dhave to follow directions. Go down this road, turn left it's between this city and that tree and that hill, lol.
@rhymesmatter: There was barely any bugs , even back then, that truly broke the game. I never had any game breaking bug problems . The hard out thing about it, there was no hand holding adn people today might not enjoy that aspect of it. Alos LOTS of reading. Some people love that, I preferred it, because you could use your imagination a bit more, with the NPC's. But many rely on spoken voice in games now with acting. There's no fast travel, you literally have to follow directions in the wasteland to find stuff and Road signs are actually important lol. Some people might appreciate it, a lot won't.
@ello432: The cheaters do get weeded out on CS though. Its not that bad. People just leave the server and start another one and CS;GO has dedicated servers with mostly active admins to.
" it often has to be pushed and it has to have ads and PR,". sigh.......................................Who knows , it could of been sht. Look what happened to DOOM 4, it got ditched for the DOOM we have now. I would of loved to se what Carmack actually came up with , wiht the original DOOM 4 game, that was never released. RAGE was a good game, but was destroyed by a terrible climax and I actually liked DOOM 3, for what it was and I thought DOOM 3 fit into the universe of DOOM perfectly. But I can see why publishers are very reluctant sometimes, look at Kingdoms Of Amalur. I liked that game, i think it deserved better and wished at least broke even, but It went bankrupt , as did the guy who mainly funded it.
But then people praise Obsidian's Fallout Vegas over Fallout 3,. I don't. I prefer Fallout 3 over Vegas, but many people think Vegas is miles better. Neverwinter Nights 2 and Knights of the old republic 2. So they arent a sht company at all.
@ello432: its because some of their products arent that bad at all, knights of the old republic 2, Neverwinter nights 2 adn some reckon that Fallout Vegaswas better than Fallout 3, I don't i dont think it was anywhere near as interesting or fun to play. But the opinions of MANY people think that Fallout Vegas was the better than fallout 3.
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