@lonewolf1044: At least Counter Strike and Battlefield are still doing dedicated servers. I'm real hesitant with buying a COD now because of the hosting situation. That's why BF1 and Counter Strike GO run so much better online, even with better graphics.
@oflow: theres tons of reason the Ai should be good. What if you really like the game and no one is playing anymore , what if you want to play when friends arent online. the list goes on and on , why there should always be bots and ai in games. Especially co-op ones. Left 4 dead 2, was great. The ai did their job for the most part. I had lots of fun playing Left 4 dead 2 solo. That game is almost completely dead now, what If i from time to time, I feel like a game of it? If there was no ai, i wouldnt be able to.
id start with going back to dedicated servers. then go from there. because im sick of the current format with hosting, instead of dedicated servers. Also improve the spec ops from Modern Warfare 3 instead of zombies. That mode could be even more epic.
both games Titanfall 2 and Infinite warfare are reasonably dead. Its a shame, Titanfall 2 is actually a really fun game. online. INfinite Warfare wasnt a bad game, I just think they needed to half the price of it. Because it wasnt worth the asking price and COD 4 remastered was a waste of time to. Could of just gone back and played the original WITH dedicated servers. Im sick of the new way of playing online, the HOSTING, instead of dedicated servers. It sux.
@hystavito: you can see by the sales of other horror games, Alien isolation is a pretty decent horror game, graphics are awesome, tension is pretty good. Alien is a huge name franchise and only 2.2 million sold. So just because Resident Evil has a big name, doesnt mean it will sell well. Also The 1st person perspective (that im real happy with) not everyone wanted that either, plenty of complaints about the 1st person perspective to.
not everyone likes freaky horror games like us. It's still a niche product. Trying to get mainstream sales on a niche product, isn't a good idea. I still feel , regardless of how good it is, resident Evil, Silent Hill, Outlast, Amnesia, they are all Niche products within the game market. Outlast sold 4 million copies within a few years. But it took a few years. Alien Isolation did around 2.2 million (alien is a HUGE name, bigger than Resident Evil). So we can see it's still a niche market. I think these expectations of 4 million , 6 million for horror games. They need to be tapered down somewhat.
I wouldn't even mind a CURRENT action orientated warfare inspired game. I dont need for it to be WW2 or WW1. Plenty of interesting wars and battles going on around the world right now.
Also people are not willing to just spend on something they didnt enjoy last time round either. Call Of Duty hasnt really been that amazing for me since World at war (which had a RIPPING single player campaign and a great multiplayer component), Call OF Duty 2, Modern Warfare 4 and Modern Warfare 2 and Modern warfare 3 had the best single player/co-op spec ops mode to date. Games are stupidly expensive now in many areas. $180, in some countries for a FULL Product with expansion packs and DLC's included into that price. That's a big chunnk of someone's wages and they dont even get the full product till 6 months down the track and DLC is released. Total War Warhammer is ridiculous. It's way over $120 - $180 for that full product. People arent just going to spend forever, just because it has the name Call OF duty. I was pissed off, you cant play bots offline to. I have to be online to use bots in Infinite Warfare. What if im on a laptop, have no access to internet, just want to play some Call OF Duty? The single player is there, but what if i just want to play some bots for fun? I cant, i have to be online. Also I regret bothering wiht the COD 4 remastered, it ran worse and has a sht terrible net connection issue sometimes, with the dumb hosting service, instead of dedicated servers, that's been there since Modern Warfare 2. Yeah, the stupid zombies mode wont save it either (play Killing floor 2 for that type of mode, its miles better, i dont like it, i prefer Left 4 dead 2 as a zombie -co-op game, but for the people after that type of thing, i recommend Killing Floor), they should expand on the Modern Warfare 3 spec ops mode instead, that was epic.
nyran125tk's comments