What a strange video to make and release. There's nothing really satirical about it. Sri Lankans holding a sign of something they don't understand the words or context of what anything on the sign means , they barely speak English, stating "Kill All The Jews".
Im not Jewish, but i dont really understand the comedy reference. Sri Lankans, Kill All Jews. How are these 2 groups tied together for satire? lol. Maybe its funny because they don't know what the sign means? That's like something a NAZI would do. Pin a sign on a foriegner and make them dance before throwing them in the gas chamber............
@Blade_Runner_07: yeah im replaying the entire dead space series on PC, right now. It's just as epic as it was when it came out. And ill most likely dabble in Skyrim again one day.
@budah78: are you talking about Batman vs Superman? I didn't like the whole direction of that movie. Script, plot, everything. It should of been a battle of the titans. Instead we to a pretty lukewarm narrative and lots of dull side junk thrown in , i didnt want in a batman vs superman movie. I was hoping for the battle of the ages and a real solid high stake reasons, why these 2 superheroes decided to have it out. But...it was very watered down and disappointing. Even just one batwing fight with Superman, where Superman has to rip him out of the batwing ANYTHING. But seriously, it was drab. I thought it was going to be way more intense and creative. What i got was a cliff hanger Justice League movie. Which is fine IF the stakes were more intense between Batman and Superman.
@jamesbr27: runs pretty silky on PC, with a decent rig. Little hitches mind you here and there. But the big issue, is people EXPECT to be able to turn every option on max, hardware night shadows on, plus maximum traffic density. then complain wih medium hardware setups, when you need a FCKIN BEAST, at least a reasonably high end beast of a PC to run with all that sht on max.
You need a Danny O Dwyer in this conversation. ARMA 3 Zues mode, is the new and next generation Ghost recon. Its really innovative and interesting. 10-20 people co-op missions on the fly from a game master that controls what missions come up and what enemies are going to be there. It's the most innovative mode , ive seen in a game for years. lol, you needed at least ONE more person in this conversation that was a Tom Clancy fan i think. I dont think those other 2 in the conversation , really give a sht. I actually do, because i played Ghost recon Advanced warfare the other day on STEAM and that thrill of setting up a strategy and performing that strategy perfectly, is extremely satisfying, That being said Wildlands looks entertaining but Wildlands does look like a typical Just cause 2/Farcry 3 with a 4 player co-op spin to it. What its really doing, is its ruining variety in games. It's like if the next half Life , just decides to follow the trend and just do a wildlands or be a farcry clone. It would be totally sht. I think Valve even entertained that idea in a few news articles.
Also Ghost recon had a real time strategy element to. It was a mix of real time strategy and FPS. One of the only ones that existed for the mainstream. It's like having X-COM and an FPS, in one game. The new Tom Clancy games are dropping the RTS elements, and just making them flat out action FPS games with a bit of stealth. The only other game that offers that is operation flashpoint and ARMA. But AMRA is very technical and has a giant learning curve adn will most likely frustrate the hell out of people trying to learn the buttons. But ARMA is very rewarding when you get hand of all its mechanics. Wildlands is just a typical 3rd person farcry experience, by the looks of it, in co-op. ALSO try ARMA 3 zues mode, I cant recommend that mode enough, really innovative and in co-op you really do feel like you are going into a believable tactical battle situation with 20 or so people.
@dark_k: there was a few missions in the original Dragon age that you literally had to buy just to play out that one mission. It pissed me off, big time and almost made me rage quit.
a donate button or maybe a mod expansion pack that includes a bundle for a price,maybe. I'm not the type of person that buys just 1 item. I need to have an expansion pack or a dlc has to include quite a bit of sht for me to buy it. Maybe the modders can get together and crate an actual expansion to Skyrim that includes lots of the crazy mods
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