@pcpirate78: do you honestly care if people want a bit of nostalgia and play 20 year old games for free? So some people like playing old school console games from 10-20 years ago. The buying market is very small for old games. Most people that play on emulators most likely paid and bought those games when they were released years ago anyway. It's like now you have STEAM, so I dont need to go back and buy the games I have right now again and again anymore. STEAM i have the games forever (hopefully). Not every ol school game is on STEAM. Some games are just flat out not released anymore because of license issues. Take TOCA 3 for example a game from 2006, or the original Colin Mcrae. Who cares if people play these old games for free. They cant even be sold anymore.
would of been cool if they opened it up outside of Mordor and you had to go after Gandalf and Saruman and Frodo and the elves an dwarves and wreck havoc in Hobbiton etc.
@dakur: did you ever play that stage where you are wandering around following that avatar, flying robot thingy. Some ancestor weird thing, that is on teh halo planet. you literally fight the same enemies for about an hour, maybe more , in the same looking dungeon areas over and over and over and over, it was like beating a dead horse for about an hour. When i look at games like Timesplitters, Medal Of Honor, the original Half life. Every area you go to, is a bit different. Every level has its own quirks and charisma and design, even the original doom game. But NOT in HALO.......................Im pretty sure they copy and pasted a majority of the levels in that game, over and over. The flying mechanics. It wasnt a time where the technology wasnt there. It was after the era of Geoff Crammonds grand Prix, even today that's a hugely technical driving game. That came out in 1992!!!! even the mechanics of Descent on the playstaton one, was better than HALO.
@fedor: yeah bu ti could say a factual statement, like I saw this guy beating up that woman and he was black and people would say ive got some kind of agenda. No, he was beating up a woman and he was black. Some goes if he was a white guy beating up a black woman. Its not hate speech, hes beating up a black woman, its just a fact. He might have an agenda but news agencies have a responsibility to just report the FACTS. Sometimes agenda is being way overused in the public eye. Like everyone has an agenda. Sometimes News Agents might just be trying to report the news. This might turn into a boys cried wolf situation, where people wont believe anything, including facts. Which is dangerous, if it goes on for a few years.
not surprising from a HALO franchise. Just went back to play the HALO games to see what all the hype was about and as I was playing it and thinking back to all the games that were released in that time period. That i have actually gone back to play since for nostalgia. It came out at a time where some pretty amazing games were out. Call Of Duty 1 was just round the corner. Battlefield 1942, timesplitters, Star Wars Jedi Knight 2(Halo for me personally didn't hold a candle to jedi Knight 2, graphically , or storywise or multiplayer, gameplay mechanics or anything). Counter Strike. Medal OF Honor allied Assault(What a game that was). Quake 3. Doom, not to mention Alien vs Predator, the original Unreal tournament. After playing Halo, the sci fi chipmunk game with large Crosshairs, I don't know what all the hype was about. The flying mechanics in Halo, with those pathetic little alien ships, was down right awful to. Halo 2 was a slight improvement over HALO 1. But nothing i would consider anywhere near the level of Half Life 2's game mechanics, story, universe or graphics. Not even close. I played Half Life 2 recently and Halo 2 and i switched HALO 2 off half way through, just because of how uninteresting the universe, the story and the game mechanics were. But if you like HALO, that's totally cool, i just don't understand the MASSIVE hype was for it at the time. HALO 3 was like a second coming of Jesus Christ, for consumers and Bungie was hailed as this god amongst game developers.
@sol_invictus3: i dont know, you only have like 50'000+ games to choose from including almost every generation of games, from the early 80's and 90's till 2017 or something , Plus Console emulators with almost every last gen game in existence on PC on top of that and better graphics and better load times, provided you have the right hardware. Must be a tough decision. I went from Playstation 2 to PC, skipped the PS3 and PS4 and ive never looked back at consoles, ever again and what's even more interesting , is PC gaming is getting EVEN better than ever before and it was already epic in the late 90's.
@spartanx169x: but youve just nailed the problem. I play farcry 4 to have a farcry experience. I dont play Ghost recon to have a farcry experience . I play fallout , to get a fallout experience. I play Counter Strike to get a counter Strike experience. All of Ubi's games are starting to feel very similar.
@min64: even the original StarCraft, will be better than this. Id rather play Dawn Of War. I think Halo was one of the most over hyped game in history. I recently went back to play Halo 1 and Halo 2, it was horrid. Like really bad. For the time period, when we are talking about Half Life , timesplitters was an epic multiplayer game for that time period, Medal of Honor allied Assault, QUAKE 3, Call Of Duty 1 was only round the corner Star Wars Jedi Knight 2. Seriously, HALO was a flat out, terrible game. The gunplay, the mechanics, the weapons. There were 2 moments that were good in Halo, the intro and the outside stuff and that's about it. However i Hear multiplayer was ok. HALO 2......was just.....awful, when compared to something like Half Life 2. came out around the same time. Unreal tournament 2004.
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