If any games warrent a pre order it might be something from CDProjeKt, however, i normally wait for all DLC, expansion packs to be released before ordering RPG's.
Women are not the main demographic of Battlefield players or war games in general. They say women/men ratio play games 50/50. But its NOT 50/50 that play games like Battlefield, Counter Strike. COD etc. Out of all the years ive played Counter Strike theres been a small fraction of the playerbase online thats female. Like tiny. Cater to the minority playerbase. Get minority sales. You can tout , it doesnt affect Tomb Raider, that has a female lead. But thats not a game focused on simulated war that MOST females are utterly against, even the simulation side of it. Women barely play fighting games. How many females do you know, that own a copy of Street Fighter and play it just as much as a male would? None. If you do know one, thats rare. I dont know any females that play ARMA, lol.
@twztid13: it will be both. P.s all games including mass effect should have both POV's 1st and 3rd person option. It was the best thing theyve ever done for GTA. Put a 1st person option in. Just like No Mans Sky totally benefits from having both POV's and it started out only 1st person. Hell id even like to see The Witcher with a 1st person perspective.
Writers should get the most praise. Without them there is no movies, there is no stories, there is no dialogue, there is no actors, there is no ideas, there is just a blank screen of nothing.
@chippiez: ill say this. Because i literally dont know. Theyll never actually tell readers anyway, if they are bias, but you see what happens to guys like Angry Joe with Nintendo etc and some orher franchises, he literally wont get invited to events from publishers hes criticised. So who knows, accept the CEO of gamespot. Some Publishers and developers DO shut SOME reviewers and critisizers down. Thats a fact.
I uninstalled Star Wars Heroes, Fallout shelter. Id honestly rather play xcom enemy unknown for $14 for as long as i want. Than play something for free, grind to death, or pay $10000000000 with no guarentees to get anything I need OR want in the game, like gambling, lol. Ive checked out of mobile free to play.
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