oaktown510's forum posts
with your 5 year old little girl playing super smash bros bawl my thing is what is wrong with you t is for teens what you think your little girl is smarter then others her age cuz thats what you think saying she does combos and all that I dont believe what you say about that one anyways for the voice chat we need to have it if nintendo can add it into this game enable and disable voice chat then im fine with that so would you be ok if nintendo does that also if you dont and nintnedo adds it in super smash bros later in the future then dont let your little 5 year old girl play the game it's that simple.
to the first guy that posted on this topic it is not that graphics that are bad on wii just cuz a good or great game like super smash bros brawl dont have ps3 or xbox 360 graphics you cant knock the graphics on wii for it there has been some good games on wii why is graphics so damn importment to you or you guys it aint its the gameplay that matters the most I got a ps3 also but I like my wii alot. it's the online lag I know cuz I have been disconnect more then once they have fix the online play from what I heard from nintendo and I was able to play last night with no lag for once which was great and super smash bros brawl needs more characters I think thoses 2 things are the only bad things in super smash bors brawl.
I would like them to bring a new tenchu game to ps3 I played the ps2 version and like it but I dont think it will happen but who knows I may be wrong.
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