you demand jet set radio you cant demand nothing if nintendo wants to have this game it will come out I would like it to come but dont get your hopes all high if it dont come out on wii.
the demo to turok sucked like hell I dont know how some people can say that turok is that good in ways it was not face it its a bad as the club demo running a round in the caves with no light to me see in the damn caves is better sa to me so if you pick this game up and say its a good game you got issues cuz you dont know how to pick up a good game for the ps3 in my eyes if you want a good game pick up dmc 4 that is away better pick up on feburary 5 then turok.
don't we all want m rated games but that aint going to happen onlyif nintendo changes theway they do things but I'm happy with the games that are on the wii so I aint mad at them.
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