@Chaz456 When you buy a disc you own exactly that, the disc. The content is owned by whoever created it. The same goes with the server. You never own the content, only the right to play it.
@Vodoo This is the most sensible unbiased analysis I've read on the topic. It reminds me of the N64 era, after the launch of Mario 64 all went stall for months and everyone was saying that a console with cartridges was doomed against the PSX. Still Nintendo managed to deliver amazing games eventually.
@MysteryGoat $581,234 as of now, to be precise :) But Nintendo might say they would get the game anyway if the kickstarter project gets funded, just under a different name
@jrcast84 I don't think MS said anything about it (yet) but I think it will continue. Remember the PS+ was optional until now and it's about to become a service comparable to Xbox live; if Sony will keep giving free games on the ps4 then MS will probably "match them". I would be disappointed if they don't.
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