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#1 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

So I only recently (within the last 24 hours) became aware of the phenomena of a dead battery in my Game Boy Color cartridges. This was brought to my attention when I dusted off Pokemon Gold and Silver for the first time in years, only to discover the data was gone and the ability to save progress was no more. I have yet to test the rest of my Game Boy collection to find out how many other games have fallen victim to the cruel passage of Father Time.

I suppose my question is this: Is this issue limited only to Game Boy Color titles? Or will my original Game Boy games fade away as well? What about my Game Boy Advance cartridges? Are we talking mass extinction here???

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#2 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

I've had my DS Lite since 2006, and it's been good to me. But over the last few months, I've begun to suspect that the battery is starting to fail on me. I haven't measured it in any form, but I do feel the runtime has been gradually decreasing.

I think this is the kicker, but I want to see if anyone else has experience with this event: I charged the battery today, and after two hours the indicator light simply turned off. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but I seem to recall that charge-time took longer originally, and the light turned green instead of turning off.

Soooo...is it time for me to put in that new battery I bought and was holding in reserve?

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#3 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

I know I'm not the only one who has made some impulsive downloads on the Shop Channel that they regret now. How much longer until Nintendo devises a method for us to return unwanted downloads?

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#4 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

I'm being 100% honest when I say I wanted to post a poll here yesterday afternoon predicting that there would be a Wii Zelda announced before the close of E3, but for whatever reason, I couldn't post the topic.  Either way, I just knew we were gonna get the word!

I honestly couldn't be more excited just to hear confirmation that the long-rumored game is indeed in the works.  Though I thoroughly enjoyed the cel-shading of WW and PH, I think the look has run its course (I dont know if I'm really to warm on ST yet...), so I'm happy to hear the new game will have the "mature" look of TP.  I'm also all for some creative expansion to the series and not just rehash OoT for the umpteenth time in a row.  As far as the Wii Motion Plus being required, that sounds good to me.  I was wondering if I ought to make up an excuse to get one, and now I might have one.  Remember, MM required the use of the N64 Memory Expansion pack, so this is nothing new.

BTW, no videos or screenshots exist of what was shown??  Come on, there must be something somewhere!

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#5 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

I own:

The Legend of Zelda [GBA Classic Series]

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link [GBA Classic Series]

A Link to the Past [GBA]

Link's Awakening [GB]

Ocarina of Time [N64]

Majora's Mask [N64]

Oracle of Seasons [GBC]

Oracle of Ages [GBC]

The Wind Waker [GC]

The Minish Cap [GBA]

Four Swords Adventure [GC]

Twilight Princess [GC]

Phantom Hourglass [DS]

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#6 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

I know I'm late to the party here, but forgive me. I've been out of town and very busy.

Just recently, Gamespot reported that one industry analyst predicted Wiis will begin shipping with HD in 2010. This sounds to me like a hardware upgrade, so where would that leave us who already own Wiis? Out in the rain with an empty bag?

Similarly I was reminded that before the "Revolution" even came out, they talked about someday making a peripheral for it that would allow DVD playback. Where the heck is that?

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#7 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts
I have no problem with Capcom working on the handheld Zeldas. They've done a great job with them so far, so why not let them continue? However I look at the console titles as the sheltered big brother, whose over-protective parents (Miyamoto and Iwata) keep in the house all the time so no sexual predators come along and kidnap their favorite child. The console titles will remain solo acts by Ninty. They're afraid that if they let someone else get in on it, the franchise will turn into that April Fool's joke IGN did a few years back.
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#8 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts
Thank you.
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#9 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

Alright, I'll try to make this brief but still give you all the info.

I know I'm not the only person who has made some impulsive purchases on the Virtual Console. I seem to be running out of blocks on my Wii, so I wanted to move a game or two onto the SD Card to free up some space. (The primary game in question is Super C.) Lo and behold, I found an unused SD card for my cell phone. (Obviously, a standard SD card does not fit in my phone. It consists of a small chip that fits in an SD card adapter/shell.)

I plugged this card into my Wii and tried to move saved data to it. Realizing my worst fears it at first appeared that the card was not going to work, as I kept getting the message that the files were not transferrable (I tried a few different ones, and finally another one worked). Then I moved over to the Channels menu and tried moving the desired file through that method. This time it worked.

I guess my question is this. Are these two different transferring methods the same, or is there some data carried over through one that isn't through the other? Bottom line: If I move the data to the SD card, delete it off the Wii, will I have the option of moving it back with it still being playable?

Sorry for being so long-winded, and thanks in advance.

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#10 ocarina_jedi
Member since 2003 • 778 Posts

Gamer4Life, I wouldn't say that WarioWare is on the same level as a Zelda release.  Low profile games like WarioWare can be released without much advance notice, but big ones like Mario, Metroid, Zelda, etc. get the red carpet treatment because Ninty knows those titles drive up sales of others.  "What?  Nintendo is releasing a new Zelda title?  Awesome! Let me go dust of my Wii and keep it warm with that new WarioWare game they just announced last week!"  That's the norm of how these things go.

That being said, I think we'll get the announcement of a new Zelda sometime this year, but for it to be released in 2009 seems unlikely.  We're definitely overdue for one, so maybe they can squeeze it in by Christmas '09, but it would be a tight fit.