[QUOTE="sandbox3d"]thank you for reading my whole post, and also thank you for not having a rebuttle. Rebuttal* And the rebuttal is simple: the Wii has sold more than 30 million more than the 360. It's not about to get caught.The phrase "Real talk" automatically nullifies any argument you were attempting to make.
oldkingallant's forum posts
I wasn't a fan of the PSP, but I'd never hope for sony's handhelds to fail. That'd give Nintendo a monopoly on the handheld gaming market (at least as far as hardcore gaming is concerned), so they'd just stagnate for a while. They need each other's competition.
Rage for me. I might pick up Dark Souls when its cheaper. I still have yet to understand what it is about that game that is special outside of the supposed difficulity.GamingcucumberImmersion and combat. It's just damn fun, you shouldn't need much reason outside that. Unless you mean you tried playing it and still couldn't see, in which case nevermind.
:lol: I laugh every time I hear someone say they didn't like a game after 20 minutes. Maybe give it an hour or so before judging? I understand people who say they don't like FFXIII because they can't wait 5 hours for a game to get going, but 20 minutes?I don't care for either game. Don't feel like playing another FPS and I played the first DS for 20 minutes and wasn't interested at all.
[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]I sometimes think that people have it in their heads that graphics make a good game... Lto_thaGThey help.A great game with great graphics is always better than a great game with crap graphics. Well if we work under the assumption that the word "great" is a quantitative assessment and any game you call great is exactly equal in quality outside the graphics, then this is true. However there are obviously some games with crappy graphics I like even more than very good games with awesome graphics.
How dare they associate their new product with their last handheld product which sold phenomenally well! Gamble again and completely change the name like last time...
It allows 3-D and it's the DS' successor. It makes perfect sense. Maybe soon they'll start making non 3-D games for it and they'll put a sticker on the box that indicates if a game is 3-D or not, but until then it's just all 3-D... or it's just sitting on my desk while I wait for Super Mario 3-D and the other good games to come out :P.
Actually...........no. There is no reason to have a PC anymore. With all the good exclusives on console (You can get a PS3 and a 360 cheaper than a PC), and with console coming out every 5 to 7 years on a usual cycle, there in no to to buy a PC. PC's have to be upgraded and they usually break down every 5 to 7 years and need replacement parts. so basically you still double the money on hardware console gamers do that buy all the consoles. I think you are a complete moron if you are gonna spend that much money on lighting effects. BTW I have never had problems with control on a 360 pad. If you suck at it that is your problem. Performance? Exactly how many months goes by before it performs like it should? Player count is the only argument you really have for this game but for most PC or console games it is the same. When will PC fangirls learn that the majority of gamers could care less about a 10% upgrade? That is what it is. You can throw out all of the cute pictures, dumb sigs, little gifs, smart ass remarks, stats, or specs. Consoles are mainly just a simpler way to play games. Even the game price makes no difference anymore. I see games on sale for console all the time not to mention buy 2 get one free, price drops, Ebay, craigslist, online sales on Live and PSN. Hermits live in their own little dream world where they assume their stuff is always better. I look at my exclusives on the PS3 and Wii and I can tell you that you are the ones missing out on good games. PC exclusives are trash. Lame ass strategy games and MMORPG's. That is it. Any genre of importance like shooters, racers, and action games are on console and aside for a 10% graphical upgrade it is the same game. You justifying being idiotic for spending the extra money for such a small difference means nothing to me. That is why you don't see me in system wars constantly trying to find a reason to hijack threads like hermits do on every single graphic thread. We do not care. At all. You are the only one that does. It is like me talking to 5 beautiful girls and you walk up to me and say "HAHAHAHAHA, Crysis looks better on my screen....LOL" As soon as the girls roll their eyes and walk with me, we will be thinking the same thing as we laugh under our breathes. We will all think "What a ******* Tool!"[QUOTE="WarTornRuston"]
[QUOTE="ocstew"] This! Will console fanboys just leave it at that and be satisfied with their "okay" version now?harshv82
Sense you make none of it. :shock: :o
:| What do you mean, nonsensical walls of text with nothing but petty insults are totally scientific evidence of the PC's crapiness... In all seriousness, I'm hardly missing out on the great PS3 and Wii exclusives since I have those consoles as well. I have to say the best games on the Wii are probably my favorites of the generation, but overall the PC offers a lot more. The Wii and PS3 have its good games here and there, but the PC gets a steady influx of fantastic games (The Witcher 2 is the exception, it's a PC exclusive but one of my favorites) and all the better multiplats. It's grgeat having both, but if you have to just pick one it's PC all the way... well logically I still want my Zelda :P.
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