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#1 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts
The right to play content that you already payed for. Heil68
About this.... this is why I don't pay for Gold anymore. I had it for all of one year before deciding it wasn't worth it. Steamworks is an infinitely better online play syste, and PSN is about just as good, and if you do want to pay $50 for PSN+ you actually get additional content unlike Gold...
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#2 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

I was expecting a 7.5 or something so I was gonna make a corny "7.5GN" joke, but I guess the 9GN theory actually holds up here....

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#3 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

I'm not sure why this is news... Many games have a "Very High" setting (i.e. Crysis) and Ultra settings is just another way to say Very High settings. Was an entire thread really needed to announced this? :?

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#4 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts
[QUOTE="jwsoul"][QUOTE="nintendoboy16"][QUOTE="KungfuKitten"] What can I say. There are no Wii reviewers or reviewers that should review Wii games. So, yeah it'll probably score super low on GS. Review sites have neglected 1 of the 3 consoles this generation and with it half their visitors. >_>

Goes to show how the Wii (as well as N64 and Gamecube) doesn't get a fair chance. Wii U is next sadly.

To be honest the Wii in particular is a very niche console. With a lot of medicore none mainstream titles. What do you expect i really dont see why game players of any age group would consider the WIi deserving of any more than it already gets! Considering its winning the console race and has tapped into a new market. To top it off calling everyone out and even GS for potentially giving a game YOU havent even played yet negative or lol slightly lower than perfect score is just silly. You all so Negative i bet it probably scores well but a part of me wants to spite you all for being all ("The whole worlds against us and our precious Zelda"")

The whole world isn't against Zelda, Gamespot is. Twilight Princess had a 95 on Metacritic and an 8.8 here, so everyone suddenly flipped and called it a flop, then to avoid ownage everyone started saying "Yeah you're right this isn't that good it's kind of caught between generations and just trying to be like Ocarina of Time" because all they looked at was the GS score. Hell an 8.8 is a great score, so maybe Gamespot isn't against Gamespot at all, maybe System Wars just puts too much stock in GS reviews... Anyway I have no doubt the game will deserve AAA at least and on Metacritic will likely average well above a 90, but for Gamespot I'd guess an 8.5 I voted AAAE just because I don't give a crap what they score it, I'd almost rather it flop here so everyone can make a fool out of themselves by neglecting to acknowledge the countless excellent reviews it will undoubtedly get.
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#5 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

What in God's name is the point of this thread.

News flash: A company wants people to buy more of their product and less of the competitors' products.


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#6 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

I wouldn't mind optional integrated online play like Demon's Souls becoming the norm.

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#7 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts
So? It's not like you're interested in the things I like about consoles.lowe0
Like what.... I wanna hear some perks the consoles routinely get that the PC doesn't......
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#8 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts


I dont have a problem saying PC is better, it just doesnt interest me, to much hassle and information that i dont know

I love my PS3, i put the game in and play lol.


Why do people think the PC is so much more complicated? Sure you CAN mod, which can sometimes get complicated, but the vast majority of the time you just go on Steam, buy the game, download it, and play. Unless selecting which graphical setting fits your system best, which many games do for you automatically anyway, is too much work, then I'm sure you'd do fine with PC gaming. Before I got into PC gaming I bought into all the rumors that every time you bought a game it'd be a buggy mess and you'd have to do all this modding and patching just to get it to run properly, but by and large the process is the exact same as buying a PS3 or 360 game. Hell, if anything it's simpler, you can get almost every single game from Steam without leaving your house, therefore saving you time, money spent on tax, and travel. Many console gamers like to argue that you have to wait for the game to download, but if you game on a PS3, you have to wait too! If you have an even decent internet connection, PC gaming is the following: 1. Open Steam 2. Find game 3. Buy game 4. Install game 5. Play game All the perks are just that: perks. You don't have to use them, they're bonuses that are available for use if you want to, but if you don't want to the process is the exact same as gaming on a console, but with better game selection and graphics.

Logic is not allowed here. Get out :evil:

:( I'm sorry I'll try again. PC gaming is SO complicated, it takes me like 15 hours to open a game because I ride the short bus. Therefore it sucks. Better?:lol:
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#9 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts
Hermits overstate the importance of some extra eyecandy (resolution and AA) and FPS, and act like consoles only get half a game. Guess what, it's still the same game. Deathtransit
Still the same game, but with a worse framerate and inferior graphics. That and on average it costs $10+sales tax more on consoles. Can you really not see how this makes the PC version better?
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#10 oldkingallant
Member since 2010 • 4958 Posts

I dont have a problem saying PC is better, it just doesnt interest me, to much hassle and information that i dont know

I love my PS3, i put the game in and play lol.

Why do people think the PC is so much more complicated? Sure you CAN mod, which can sometimes get complicated, but the vast majority of the time you just go on Steam, buy the game, download it, and play. Unless selecting which graphical setting fits your system best, which many games do for you automatically anyway, is too much work, then I'm sure you'd do fine with PC gaming. Before I got into PC gaming I bought into all the rumors that every time you bought a game it'd be a buggy mess and you'd have to do all this modding and patching just to get it to run properly, but by and large the process is the exact same as buying a PS3 or 360 game. Hell, if anything it's simpler, you can get almost every single game from Steam without leaving your house, therefore saving you time, money spent on tax, and travel. Many console gamers like to argue that you have to wait for the game to download, but if you game on a PS3, you have to wait too! If you have an even decent internet connection, PC gaming is the following: 1. Open Steam 2. Find game 3. Buy game 4. Install game 5. Play game All the perks are just that: perks. You don't have to use them, they're bonuses that are available for use if you want to, but if you don't want to the process is the exact same as gaming on a console, but with better game selection and graphics.