Of the ones I have played (OOT, SS, TP) they've all been pretty generic. Don't even know the difference in plot between each game because it's the same deal every time: go fetch a bunch of stones, plates etc to give yourself the ultimate power to defeat ganondorf, or something along those lines.
Pretty alright for the most part, can keep a conversation going easily, but have trouble opening conversations with ppl I don't know too well and also with saying hi to ppl in a school/workplace environment who I have talked to sometimes but am not particularly close with. One of the things I hated most about high school was seeing all these ppl who you've conversed with a couple of times, but aren't particularly close with, and deciding whether to greet them or just keep walking on... Hated that.
Calculus ab which I am taking atm, but its mainly due to the fact my teacher is a much harsher grader than my pre-calc one was. In terms of material I would say pre-calc and calc are around the same.
I used to be of the same opinion having only heard their early stuff, then I listened to sgt peppers and now love a lot of their later work. They were geniuses.
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