@NTM23 @4kgamer_lmxxx 15 to 20 hours? How did you get this much out of it in a single playthrough? Plus, this game's gameplay is basically an interactive cutscene half the time.
@Dcyple3000 Because story = quality. Right. Plus, TLOU isn't a game of a generation. Yeah, it was very good, but once the honeymoon stage dust settled, it wasn't really much of a game. More like a movie. The game's content is like 6 hours if I recall correctly, so...
@diggyphelps @oldtobie @Shango4 Just because your argument is true doesn't make you not a fanboy. Your persistence tells me that you strongly wish that PS take the lead.
@Cronyk @oldtobie @Saintdoc41 Do the math. 44% more pixels to render. That's essentially how it works. If you check out some GPU benchmarks, you can see that FPS scales quite linearly with resolution.
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