Hi there man, this is the url-https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/mobile/10-8_mobility_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc.exe
onfire23's forum posts
yeah i own a sony vaio fw myself and i have to agree that it is not in anyway premium compared to other models.i simply got this because there was a nice discount about 20% and sony is the only brand which has a established customer service network in my country,india.if only asus has more models in india,i would have got it over sony anyday.but anyway asus laptops are also priced higher in my country comparable to vaios.you guys are really lucky to have such cheap bang for the buck asus laptops.no question for gaming get a asus g series.
no the 4650 is faster.sourcehttp://www.overclock.net/graphics-cards-general/502403-graphics-card-ranking-5th-time-last.html
yeah a update changed the colour.some people were complaining that blue was kind of futuristic for a historic game.
i have 7/6 eagle vision
thanks for the info guys.will check them out,any other suggestions?
hi guys i have never ventured in to this genre of mmorpg and was astonished to find a wide range of games which are free to play with microtransactions.can you guys please suggest me games which are free to play with microtransactions that do not heavily affect the balance of the game because i dont see my myself paying a considerable amount for mmos.thank you in advance:)
yea about 20 in a stretch
the mobile hd 5850 is severly deficient in performance when comapred to desktop 5850.its on par with a desktop 5750 may be a little less.ati named their cards on par with the desktop cards up to the 4xxx series.but for the 5800 series ,they are really desktop 5700 series lol.the gts 160m is a very good card and is lower than hd 5850m.if you feel youre ok with the cpu,it is the best deal
actually the gts 160m is very close to hd 5850m in the mobile gpu department.so i think the cheaper is the better deal
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