ok i didnt understand you were talking about linux
onfire23's forum posts
it runs fine on my core 2 duo lap.no problems here
nspoleon total war, a really good game
phoenix,you have no idea about biological classification of animals or of races. felines is not a race,it is the cat family.and as far individual names are concerned , the tigers are given name known as panthera tigris and other members of the cat family are given seperate names.can you give me one another taxonomical subspecies for homo sapiens.the only remaining human subspecies is homo sapiens sapiens and all others are extinct. talking otherwise is nonsense, please get your biological facts correct before posting
hey i am also from india. i have the g500 which is really good( i first got the deathadder and returned it). i boughtt it in ebay for 3350. so if you spend just a little more you can have it. the deathadder was good but a part was broken during shipping and hence i exchanged it for g500.dude, really believe me on the fly adjustment of dpi is a huge bonus in games, atleast for me
win dvd bd on my sony is a third party program preinstalled by sony.i think that most manufacturers would put third party blu ray players in their notebooks to reduce the hassle for customers
sorry dude you,re stuck with 32 bit . the only solution is to buy another retail copy of windows 7. as far as playing blu ray discs are concerned i think the laptop you bought would have some proprietary software like power dvd or windvd-bd installed.because most laptops with blu ray players have them.my sony vaio has win dvd- bd which plays blu ray discs without problems
you're video card is good for playing new games at medium settings on 720p and higher.dont expect to run at high settings and 1080p/you're video card is pretty decent for a laptop,cheer up:).if you want a comparison on how you,re video card fars against others please visit notebookcheck.net.they have dtailed info on laptop video cards and how latest games run on it. and by the way by hd i was meaning ati's hd video card series
The case you just pointed out had 5750 and vapour x which has gddr5 ram which is plenty sufficent and over for the 128bit bus hence there is no difference for a really meagre 10mhz overclock of memory.but the case of 56xx series is different the core is clocked at 775mhz instead of 750 on the 4670 -this increases the performance slightly.next,the gddr3 memory gives signicant gains on overclocking especially in the ati 46xx\56xx series of cards because the 128bit bus can handle even more because of the usually lower clocked gddr3 memory instead of higher clcoked gddr5.if you want proof i have vaio fw45gj which has 512 mb ati 4650 ,overclocking the core was unstable and instead i overclocked the memory from 667 mhz to 825mhz which is perfectly stable and made me score above 7500 in 3dmark06 which is an increase of 1050 points.similarly my friend has a notebook with 5650 and memory overclock also gives gains to him too.in higher end cards where the memory bus is almost saturated you do not get gains from memory overclock,but in lower-midrange cards you definitely get gains.
At the end of the day 5670 is the better card but it is not like 2x better or anything,noteven close.
i never said 4670 was equal to 5670. i said that in case of 46xx and 56xx series ati's laptop and desktop counterparts are almost equal with the difference only in clock rate.so it would suit him better to get a 56xx equipped laptop instead of waiting for GUS which you have to lug around(which defeats the purpose of a laptop). and anyway 5670 outperforms 4670 by 15-20% which as you say is not on a completely different level.you also have to note that the memory in 5670 is aout 50% more clocked than 4670 which probably contributes to majority of that gap.
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