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optophobic Blog

Remember Me? I'm Not Dead Yet.

It's been along time since I've posted here, so a big "hello" to all of you out there.

I've been doing most of my blogging on MySpace lately, and I just wanted to let some of you know that in case you care.

Just jump over to:

While you're there, add me as a friend. If you're interested in all my fun adventures of the past few months read away over there.


Jackson: A Conosiour of Racism

In Jesse Jackson's latest failed attempt to be the mouth for the disenfranchised blacks of America, he commented that Bush, the response plan and everyone involved in the recent Katrina affair is a racist. The word "refugee" is a racist word to call blacks who have fled from their home town (Jesse Jackson never mentioned the white refugees).

Jackson needs to get over himself. He's tried to bring peace to the middle east, when he himself is perpetuating the act a racism. When you call everything racist it tends to piss people off into doing actual racist activities. By calling everything racist he's giving power to racism. If he just called people a idiot, instead of a racist or said something was just full of crap instead of racism then maybe he'd have a better point.

But Jesse knows racism like a fine cigar. He grew up in the middle of one of the most racist towns in America: Greenville, SC. Oh, you remember all those horror stories you read when you were a kid in history class about the racism that came out of Greenville, right? Oh, wait, that was Alabama and Mississippi. Never mind.

As of right now, I'm going to call my own racism though. I think it's racist how everyone is paying attention to the black victims (notice I didn't say refugees) of Katrina and their hardship, but what about all the white refugees? Where's all the poor white trash people without any teeth and any common sense talking about how they "ain't sure 'bout much, but that there storm sure did blow dang hard"? I've yet to see those people.

Oh, and everyone is talking about the slow response of the nation and the government, but was anyone really prepared for an entire city to be destroyed by a natural disaster? We live in a world (or atleast a country) that thinks we're untouchable, with massive cities that can not be destroyed unless by CGI effects in next summers big box office blockbuster. We're so scared about terrorism no one in the past few years has really stopped to work on response efforts of an entire city being shut down. This is massive. The most of the population is alive and in the transition period within one week is absolutely amazing to me.

I think this whole incident really speaks to the human spirit when rescue helicopters are shot at by gangs and thugs, and rescue attempts are put to a halt until the roving gangs can be stopped. I think sometimes maybe they should've just dropped a bomb on that city and called it a day. I don't say this very often, but thank God for government and some since of order. I think we've seen enough of what minor anarchy can do.

Live. Love. Later.

The Trend is Offically Dead

The trend is dead people. As of 4:00pm, August 3rd, 2005. I'm calling it.

I pulled off the interstate to the exit ramp and stopped at the light yesterday after I got off work going home. I saw a homeless guy with a crude cardboard sign asking for "anything" because "anything will help, God Bless." He was dressed bad and grungy. He need a shower, and needed some new cardboard. As I looked at him something caught my eye.

He was wearing a yellow Lance Armstrong wrist band. Huh? When homeless people starting jumping on the trend, I think that means its done. You know people just wear them to look like they care, but why do homeless people have to look like they care? They're homeless. They're allowed to be a little more selfish about themselves. Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand.

Anyways, the trend is dead, let's move on to whatever is next.

Live. Love. Later.

First Day At A New Site

I have nothing to say yet, but stay tuned and maybe I will. You'll probably want to check out my GameSpot or MySpace ( to see recent and updated blogs.

INXS (Pronounced: INXS)

My new favorite show is Rockstar: INXS. The show is great. There are some really great performers on the show and some really crappy ones. If you watch the show, my favorites to win are Mig and Marty. I like Mig the best, but he may be a little too flambouyant for the band. He does have an amazing voice though.

If you haven't watch that you should. It's really fun, really great.

I was listening to the Kick album last night after the show was done. I've really gotten back into INXS since watching this show. I have a lot of respect for the guys left, and their attempt to find someone not only that they like, but someone that the fans like as well.
But as I listened to Kick, I switched over to Mediate. Now, what I'm about to say is not a joke, but something I really noticed. In the song, Michael says "Don't suffocate on your own hate". If you know anything about INXS, you might find that line mildly ironic since Michael suffocated on his own love. Sorry if you find that little insight in bad taste.

That song Mediate also reminds me of the song Bad by U2. Listen to both of them back to back one day and you'll understand.

Live. Love. Later.

Our Dumb Fears

One of my IDs for the longest time has been the word "optophobic". I still use it many times, and if you ever see that, it's probably me. I saw it years ago on a list of fears, and it struck me as a strange fear. It's the fear of opening your eyes. I found out years later that my mother actually had this fear. She had severe light sensitivity in the mornings and would dread opening her eyes if there was light outside because it was painful. It would cause headaches, sometimes migraines. Because of the pain she developed a fear of opening her eyes. And doctors/psychologists gave it the name "optophobia".

When I was young, maybe 8 or 9, I developed a strange fear for about a year or two. I had a fear of falling asleep. I was honestly scared of falling asleep. I didn't develop insomnia from it because I wasn't strong enough to fight sleep back then, but I'd lie awake in fear, and then next thing I'd know, I'd wake up in the morning. Strange, I know. But I was young and I had a fear of death. I remember my grandparents talking about how they wished to go peacefully in their sleep, and that freaked me out for some reason. I didn't want to die in my sleep. I didn't want to die at all. I was scared of fires burning our house down (thank you 20/20). I was scared of appendicitis (thank you evening news and "Spies Like Us"). I was a scared child. Too obsessed with death to enjoy life. I was scared of falling asleep at night and dying, so scare, I was thinking of that when awake and walking around. It was sad.

So what are you scared of that's not letting you enjoy the light or life?

Live. Love. Later.

An Anti-"Join My Union"-Email Union

Yes, this is my crazy idea. It's not completely original. Jekyll mentioned being tired of receiving "Join My Union" emails. So I figure why not create a union based on this. I'm sick of "JOIN THE BIG RIGS UNION". Who wants to join a union on that crappy game? Seriously. Or the Scarface Union. Do I look like an East Coast Thug to you? Maybe since you can't see me. Or who might possibly want to join "Bethany's Cereal" Union. HUH? If I could cuss on this sight I would right now. My idea is an "anti-union" union if you will. A union that refuses to actually recruit, but rather just hangs back and waits for people to join of their own free will. I know this is a crazy idea, and that's why I'm looking for four insane people who'd like to start this with me. I honestly don't care if anyone wants to do this or not. Honestly I'm just really bored and will probably forget about this idea in about a week. But if you want to be an administrator in a union, post a reply and let me know, and we'll see what we can do.

Oh, and I apologize to Jekyll if mentioning him was inappropriate.

Live. Love. Later.

So, I've Killed 21 Civillians In The Last Week...

...What have you done with your life?

I've been playing Mercenaries. Great game. Tons of fun. I traded in Destroy All Humans and the DVD Tombstone and got that game, THUG2, and Champions of Norrath. They're all fun. I beat THUG2 story mode in Normal and now I'm playing it on Easy for kicks. I'm also working on the Classic Mode. That's really hard. Much harder than the old THPS games.

Mercs is a great game. Tons of fun. Not too hard, but not incredibly easy. It's almost perfect in that respect. It's harder than GTA, and sometimes not as fun, but I think overall, it's a much better idea and better controls too. The driving in the game is much more responsive and tight than GTA. It does remind me a tad bit of Star Wars: Battlefront (another awesome game), but it's the same companies that make them.

My best friend from college is now working for GameStop. I'm stoked about that. I'm going to wait until he's in good and get him to get me some discounts.

Oh, I wrote a some-what-positive review for Destroy All Humans. Go and read it if you haven't played the game and you're thinking about it. Tell me what you think.

Also, still go and check out ANTI-STAR if you haven't yet. Great band.

Live. Love. Later.


So here is my new band for the month. ANTI-STAR. They are a Spartanburg, SC local band, but they're really great. Actually, I don't know why I say "they" when it's only one guy. A guy named Andy Shelton. He use to be in a band called Page 3 [if you're a big Jenny Jones Show watcher you may have seen them].

Anyways, if you go over to you can listen to their song called "Playing God". It's a really great song. It feels like a heavy Muse b-side.

Anyways, I really encourage you to listen to it. They're local and unsigned, but I think you'll dig it. It's actually a really great quality song. And it a better song than probably anything on your local top 40 radio station.

Other than that, life's going well.

I bought Destroy All Humans. That's a great game. The levels are massive. It was a toss up between that game and Mercenaries. Hopefully I got the right game. I'll probably go back and get Mercs later.

But Destroy All Humans is a fun game, and I strongly back it. It is worth $45 I bought it for used.

Live. Love. Later.

Edit: - my DVD collection (in progress)

It's Been Awhile, Hasn't It...

So, you're probably think "what kind of preachy-social commentary that we all know, but optophobic loves to endulge in shall we read about today?" Well, the answer is none.

I'm actually just writing this to say, "Hey, I'm still alive if anyone cares." Not that I expect many people to care, and that's fine.

A small update on me: I have been married now for about a week and a half. That's going good. We found a small kitten and have made it our baby. So we are a family.
Work still sucks, but life is good, and I recieved a raise a few weeks back.

I haven't been playing too many video games lately. I did get seriously into Spider-Man 2 and Star Wars: Battlefront for a few weeks. Doctor Octopus is a pain in the butt on Spider-Man 2, and I've beaten Star Wars: Battlefront several times. Tenchu Wrath of the Ninja is still an awesome game.

GBA Roms are amazing and I love illegal downloads on the internet. I'm just kidding. I only like them.

So, I'm hoping all of you are well. I'm sure you are; if you aren't then you probably have more imporant and pressing issues than reading my journal entry, and in that case I'm obviously not addressing you since you will never read this.

And on a special note: I am greatly dissapointed in the new NIN album, but I am greatly enjoying the new Foo Fighters' album.

Live, Love, Later (hopefully less later than the later has been)