In my "about me" section of my profile I say the Jesus is like a cool, migrant Mexican worker because his feet are dirty, he can make alcohol out of anything, no one really understands what he's saying, and he can probably get you free onions from his boss.
I go on after that to insult atheism (sorry).
Anyways, today I noticed that I got a moderation message. Someone said that my profile was offensive and I offended their religion by what I said about Jesus. If I'm offending your religion with that then I guess I'm offending mine as well. This is what was written:
"optophobic's profile page was reported as offensive.
Reason: this guy is insulting my religion, saying those things about jesus in his about me section" (Oh, the dude can't even show proper respect to Jesus by capitalizing his name. That offends me:( )
Remember in the Family Guy Christmas episode where Peter talks about the Ghost of Jesus coming back from the grave and we have to lull him to sleep by Christmas carols? There is the guy in the front row while Peter says this that says that was really offensive. The guy next to him tells him that he can't do anything abou it, and the guy says "then I guess I'll have to get a sense of humor." Remember that? That was paraphrasing it and no quote is completely accurate. Well, take his advice and get a sense of humor!
But It's the truth. When you can't have a sense of humor about your religion, you take it too seriously. Now, it is suppose to be a lifestyle and is a revered idea and all, but Jesus and God have a sense of humor. Read 2 Kings 2:23-25. It's hilarious. And it's in the Bible. Also, as it says in Dogma, God laughs at the faces we make during sex.
So do I offend you? Get over it. When you really look into Christianity, the entire religion is about offending people or being offended. Do you think Jesus was worried about not offending people when he went into the temple and turned over tables? Do you think the Jews were worried about offending people when they dragged women having affairs to the city limits and stoned them to death. Do you think Spain was worried about offending people during the Spanish Inquisition. Do you think Paul and Peter were worried about offending people by telling them that they were sinning and going to Hell?
If you have a problem with something I wrote in my profile and it isn't explicit, just email me ( and tell me. I'll talk reasonably with you about it and explain it to you. Just don't be a little baby crying to a moderator because I hurt your feelings or offended you. Jesus didn't tell you to be a baby, he told you to be a warrior. If you're that concerned and you think what I wrote is so horrible, maybe you should just pray for my soul instead of whining to GameSpot.
But they deleted that section from my "about me". Why not delete the stuff about "the worst day in an atheist's life is the day the die and find they were wrong or they were right." That's offensive to atheists. It's one thing when whiny liberals use PC bs to make a point, but conservatives (and Christians are conservative by nature) shouldn't use PC bs. That's just going against everything Christ stood for.
Also, what I said about Jesus is as offensive about Jesus as it is about Mexicans. So where are all the Latinos in an uproar? I guess they have a sense of humor.
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