You need to be a bit more specific with "How?" . Not sure if you missed my point entirely or have figured out you are at NAT three and need help with that.
Might you have MAC addressing security on your router.. that would be keeping it from obtaining an ip (or doing anything on the network for that matter). Also you need to see what NAT type you are at(under Setting and connection status list). If your NAT type is 3 then you need to do some things with your router.
You just have to use a media server (I'm currently using Nero Mediahome.. which is awesome) So I've got my 60gig PS3 with access to my 1.5TB of junk on my computer.
Pnizz is right, anything 20- ~50 inch your not going to see a huge difference. I work at a TV place and I can tell a difference between 720p and 1080p.. but you're gonna pay a big chunk of money for that difference.
couple questions. How big is the room you're going to be putting it in? How much space do you have to set it on (or hang)? If you have a small room 15X10 or the like then a LCD would be a nice one, they are good price and have no burn in. If you have a bit more room or want a bigger TV I would prolly go with a Rear Projection or DLP. DLP first if you can afford it. DLP also has vertually no burn in, and the rear LCD (newer ones) also have very little. (or none, like the SXRD) Hope that's helpful.
Yes, you need a Router, unless you have a router built into your modem. Most ISP's will only give you one IP, the router is what you need to share that IP between different devices (Computer, PS3, Ect.)
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