Otterbee's comments

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Sadly, my disdain for the Xbox brand has nothing to do with their ability to play games on their systems. It has to do with many other factors and features that turn me off of their system.

I had the original Xbox, and the Xbox 360 was my main/preferred console. Towards the end of that console generation, I started to really despise Microsoft for what they were doing to the user interface and how cumbersome and tedious it was to navigate through all the bulls**t that was their UI.

So, I have since given up on them...I thought I might eventually break down and buy an Xbox One, but I haven't been compelled with any of their exclusives at this point to warrant it. Maybe the Xbox One X could change that, but I will most likely wait for an initial price drop. That and assuming PS4 (or whatever the next iteration is) isn't meeting all my gaming needs (of which it is doing in spades right now).

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@Korachof11: The reality is that anyone buying this, isn't too interested in playing the games on it for any length of time. It's a nostalgia thing, and probably more of a collector thing. Anyone that was seriously interested in playing the games would have done so using a PC emulator or other such "contraption". 80% of the complaints in the review honestly seemed quite whingy, if you ask me. The valid complaints are controllers not working reliably and lag on the gameplay. Whinging about batteries and non-hot-swappable carts, and an AC power supply, seems quite extraneous.

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Edited By Otterbee

GameSpot is officially a bunch of d-bags. You could easily find an equal number of faults with the NES Classic system. But, did it warrant a similar headline such as this one? 30 games, wired only controllers. NO support for original game carts. Yet, it's they must get a free pass for such eye-ball popping, face-palm worthy limitations. Newsflash: You can buy AAA rechargeable batteries! And another newsflash; Philips screwdrivers are NOT that uncommon to find in 99.99% of households in America. Even if you don't have one, it's a trip to the same place you buy batteries from to pick one's not like there's manufacturing issues causing a shortage of them.

Finally, bitching about the fact that you have to turn the power off to insert a cartridge?? SERIOUSLY?!? Did the NES (or any other cart-based system of yesteryear for that matter!) allow you to hot swap the cartridges? I don't think so. So, why would you hold that against them here?

My guess is, people buying these systems are on a nostalgia kick, and they probably wouldn't think twice about 80% of the complaints you've raised here. The points you're condemning this system for are, quite honestly, more tolerable than the short-comings of the NES Classic system.

Let's try this slight modification of your conclusion here:

"It's a poorly designed and constrained product that is marketed to trick you, to play off of your love of classic Nintendo games"

Would that be an accurate statement?

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I guess my question for clarification would be: is this worldwide, or US only sales? I'm assuming it's worldwide, but it's not clear. Then...if it is worldwide, what is the breakdown between Japan and "outside-Japan" sales. Because, that puts these numbers in a bit more context, and provides a bit more insights on how these sales will continue.

My competing prediction is these sales will fall of a cliff...even with the holiday season approaching. Unless they introduce some sort of price redux and/or package/bundle pricing that gives more value for dollar.

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@babaelc: Michael Jackson was in Lord of the Rings?? Crap, I'll have to go back and watch it, and see if I can pick him out now!

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@rmcbrid1: Is there any way that you could "partition" the drive and make it appear as something smaller, and thus be recognised by the PS4?

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I think the adjective you were looking for was "underwhelming", not "awesome". Are there not editors any more??

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First, the translation of this is, "We're going to be subjected to 30 minutes cut-scenes, with no way to skip them". :)

Now, being serious...I constantly read complaints about how Destiny lacked story, but every time I hear someone mention it, they speak in abstracts. I would like to see people say WHY they think the story sucked, WHY it was inadequate, and WHAT was lacking in it. Was it that the story lacked cohesion, and just didn't make sense? Was it the voice acting that was the problem? I'm hoping all these people that complained about the story provided concrete examples and questions as to WHY it did.

And I really wish Bungie would stop speaking in abstracts about it; I agree with the sentiment of another that said it sounds like a lot of "Trump'ism". The proclamation lacks any substance. Bungie needs to say, "this is exactly the feedback we got...and here's how we are addressing it in Destiny 2". Have they done that anywhere?

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Man, the amount of money I've spent on this game. First, PC edition (day of release)...then got tired of having to play the AH mini-game. So, I decided to buy it on PS3 (where Loot 2.0 was introduced earlier than it was on PC). By the time, RoS came out they also had the new loot system on I bought the expansion there. Finally, bought the game on PS4 (found it on a really good deal for $25 US). But, I'm still $60+$60+$40+$25 at this point. $185. Yikes.

But, I have to admit, I still enjoy this game from time to time. Here's my question it's not clear from the it possible to buy this content on console for $15? Not sure I'm up for bothering with it anyway, but I'm still curious.

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I don't understand why this issue is coming up in the context of these two games specifically; Minecraft and Rocket League. Has anyone ever gotten their panties in a bunch over the lack of cross-play for COD or Battlefield or Borderlands? If anything, those seem to be the games where you'd want to have cross-play. Minecraft and Rocket League are two "indie" games that blew up. The former being purchased by Microsoft and proliferated ad nauseum on every single digital platform possible. Rocket League being the sleeper hit, and damn fun. I don't see why everyone is whinging about cross-play here, and not with many other games.