People, please. Bioshock is quite obviously being sarcastic.[QUOTE="own1xon"]
all you have to do to make it do that is unplug the cord in the back or not put it in all the way and you will get the red rings. Does'nt mean the 360 you see in those videos are broken.Still more reliable than most luxery cars. Jags are crap.
Faking a broken 360 would be more pointless than an inflatable anchor at this point.
Its not even about faking a broken xbox. That happened to me by accident and I thought my 360 was broken and it was'nt. That prob happens to half of the people with these 360's and say they are broken when they are not.
[QUOTE="LTZH"]my 2600xt can play new games on med/high, so no its a good buy, but next month the 2950 pro will come out and will be $200, and the performence will be 2 times that of the 2600xt, so Its your choice.Big_Black_Eyes
I live in Canada. How much cad $?
US dollar is the same as the canadian dollar now. So it should be 200 cad
I am on my 6th ps3. I just dont get it. I have the system on my radiater heater. Thats what you are soppose to do right? Heat it up first before you use it? Put it in the microwave for 5 min and play it for 16 hours streight. SOny sucks!
...... seriusly. Ive had my 360 for over a year no problem same with a couple of my friends.
In terms of games it's great , but in terms of the actuall hardware of the console itself : it's horrible
I just got my 360 back after waiting 4 WEEKS of getting it repaired . They send me a brand new console and guess what - it freezes every 5 minutes. This pisses me off to the point of no return.
Now i'm probably gona have to send it in to microsoft again wait 4 weeks for another one that's probably gona suck too.
:( I feel sorry for you.
My 360 is working perfectly. Xbox 360's don't break. That's just a myth!BioShockOwnz
I'd like to believe that, but there are plenty of videos that readily proove it.
all you have to do to make it do that is unplug the cord in the back or not put it in all the way and you will get the red rings. Does'nt mean the 360 you see in those videos are broken.Still more reliable than most luxery cars. Jags are crap.
The economy is ruined in most servos do to gold farmers and high level chars. Played when It first came out then played year or 2 later and the game sucked.
mmofps mixed with rpg. Like world of starcraft fps level up and a level 1 can kill somebody who is level 60. Like planetside.had 25 levels but the levels did not seperate the players. When you got to a higher level you could just do more stuff. Like have certs in special weapons few different vehicals engineering medical. Different armor. High level just means you are ready for any situation.
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