Hmm... after having read some of these, I'll have to say that a lot of facts here are wrong. This link, says the Wii is selling more, and the X360/Ps3 sells about equally fast. Please look at the link before calling me a fanboy or idiot.®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=X360®3=All&align=1
It's been 41 weeks since the Ps3 was released (thissite isn't updated all the time, so it might be 42)
During the Wii's first 40 weeks, it sold about 10 mill copies, still according to thelink.
During the Ps3's first 40 weeks it sold 4,5 mill copies.
During the X360's first 40 weeks it sold 4,5mill copies.
This link under here, shows how much they sell each week.®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=X360®3=All&weekly=1
As you can see, the Wii is slowing down in sales, and is just over the Ps3 and X360, which sell about equal.
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