I may or may not have mentioned this title in my last blog but really like the title so decided it would be appropriate to use it now. My last blog was my first part II (again with the Roman Numerals, it makes me smart, especially when one is listening to the YMCA and doing the actions) and have decided that whenever NZ gets me down I'll have another part added. Most likely I'll be at part hundred million but oh well (uh oh, what's that in Roman Numerals:?) Moved into my house on Saturday, no internet, I get that on Tuesday (so tomorrow) and am at my Dads office using up all his GB if that's what fancy offices such as his are on for internet connections. You should have seen me beg to come in today. He was like, "I have to work and will probably be there for a couple of hours." My eyes lit up and was like, "don't really care." I've been ready to come here since 11:00 am and I left at 1:00pm. It's 3:15 now. I packed up my laptop in it's carry case which finally arrived. Double checked I had my mouse and charger along with the NZ power converter to plug it in. Then I added my iPod and USB to charge my iPod and download podcasts. Then I remembered I needed my fancy network thing so I could go online. Fortunately I remembered all. On Saturday I didn't even have a TV so I played the CSI board game. I of course won. I've owned it for nearly two months and only just played it for the first time. It's a fun game. Last night still without TV so watched 24. I start the dread school tomorrow. You would be surprised how someone of my age can be different at a private school. I've got it all planned out. I have to wear a uniform but brought some second hand shirts for it and as the uniform is navy blue, the shirt and the even more dreaded skirt (which is new) don't match as the shirts are faded. Then there is my lunch box. I got a Spongebob one. No one my age will have a Spongebob lunch box. I hope. Then there is a matter of my one lonely binder. Fortunately when I packed my backpack to ship down I packed in it the pictures I had in my locker (all my CSI ones). Now my old binders in Canada had clear pockets to put pictures on but I shall just have to tape these ones on. Then I'll bring my iPod, won't use it at all tonight so it's fully charged and just listen to it whenever I get the chance. I plan to live hermetically online when not at school or watching TV. School means less internet time as according to my brother's planner (he started school last week. Ha!) people in my Grade (if I went to his school which I don't, it's a boys school) at his school are supposed to study 2 1/2 hours a night. Yeah right. No way, I'd rather fail before I stop having a life. Thanks to everyone here who is being so understanding. I know you guys only pretend to miss me. Kanimbla and all_kill_ari, I would love Greg for Valentines Day. Feel free to send him over at anytime and you can even come visit if you really want. It's a rather boring country and I can't see you, all_kill_ari, would won't to come visit. Just lots of sheep. CSI STARTS ON SUNDAY IN NEW ZEALAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probably the best news I've ever gotten after the disappoint of Lost this week. It was only Destination Lost or whatever the clip show is. The season actually starts this week so I will be waiting waving my Lost flag. That reminds me to pack some flags to wave at school. My CSI flag, my Lost flag, my Greggo flag, and probably my 24 flag. Should add about the laugh I got reading the paper today, snickers pie. Shippers, you know what I mean. To bad it wasn't a Grillows pie, I would have really lost it.
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