Gameplay video is awfully boring, is running around all there's to this? Also, looks by far the worst implementation of an Unreal engine I've seen in my life, screen tearing everywhere (did they turn off VSync because the engine is implemented so poorly it can't reach stable 60fps), ugly looking textures all around and poor lighting imho.
Also the main character comments seemed random, canned and unnatural. Too bad, from earlier footage the game looked more interesting.
Comparing a game developed for a console, specially 7th gen, and then ported to PC is pointless, unless the game receives a special treatment taking into account the power of the PC the only advantage you really have (without tweaking settings directly on you graphics driver) it's resolution. The same low res textures, low poly models and fast antialiasing methods are still there, and the PC will surely make them look better due to increased rendering resolution vs the upscaling on consoles (PS4 and X1 remediate this to some degree, but we all know there's titles that run 720p or little more and are upcaled to 1080p, not to mention the 30fps cap on some of them) Using this as a reference to argument on consoles vs PC is just fanboy/troll food, so, good job on that regard gamespot :P
The controller is not the final version, all steam machines are prototypes now, that's why the controller is a simple plastic case with the required buttons and touchpads on it.
You claim people blindly defend Valve, yet you seem to be blind to the facts, you CAN INSTALL ANY OS into these machines, they are simply small form factor PCs and Valve is tired to explain the platform is open to users to modify both hardware and software as they please.
While I have my own gaming PC and I don't think I'm getting one of these, you should both read the facts on this before jumping into the trashing bandwagon.
Don't know about you but I actually think the checkpoint system on all games past the 2000s is lame.
You just bash your head on game sections until you go through them without thinking too much because ultimately you know that you lose only 1 or 2 mins gameplay at most.
Picture a 3 phase boss fifth that resets to the latest phase you lost when you died, and the checkpoint reloads with your health at 100%, if it would actually reset you to the beginning of the fight you would have to think your strategy carefully to avoid being depraved of health on the last part, instead of just dying until you get it right.
This one resetting you to the beginning of a 3 stage puzzle will make you actually have to look at the environment and check the best route to go through it, instead of just dying each section until you get through running straight by chance.
I don't see a "death punishing" system like this that bad, I think it gives you a challenge, maybe you ragequit your game session for the day, but you'll surely be back to try again soon enough.
Dunno, but watching the trailer on Steam the other day clearly showed me that this is not a game where innovative mechanics or a gripping and interesting story take precedence.
Pretty much like Duke Nukem Forever imho, you would buy it out of pure love for the protagonist and don't expect anything more deep than what the protagonist does best.
I think critics usually tend to overlook these kind of things and go way over and off topic when reviewing games like this one.
I'm no big fan of Deadpool, neither a hater, but watching some vids and trailers over the net I could say anyone who enjoys his personality should be satisfied with this one.
Just hope the building coming down is not scripted like the one they showed on the BF3 trailers, which ended up being a building falling down due to an earthquake on the SP campaign.
To be honest I wished much more building destruction on BF3, if what they showed us here is real time during MP maps, that will do for awesome ever changing MP matches.
Too bad knowing EA though, they'll probably do the same Standard vs Premium edition they did on BF3 and that's already pissing me a little off.
Very fair review, after seeing gameplay vids I was afraid of something like this, too many orange "goto" and "do that" markers everywhere, pretty immersion breaking imho, it also hinted about linearity being an issue, it's sad to see such magnificent setting as this Neo-Paris is wasted by being a completely linearly navigated in-game.
I can't help being still interested in this one though, guess i'll pick it up on the next Steam sale :P
paparolo's comments