Where's the logic in discrediting someone for owning an i5 when it's stronger than the CPU in the X1X and can outperform it if paired with a good enough GPU?
@Orchid87: I agree, 4K doesn't mean anything to me if I can't run a decent amount of games at 60+ Ultra.. I'm not making the jump until 4K runs as smooth as 1080p does now.
@SolidGame_basic: I used to think it was amazing on God of War and Resident Evil 4, not so much now, I don't "hate it" like most gamers tho, it's just "meh" It was cool on Heavy Rain as well.
@calvincfb: Because it's the "cool" thing to do among this idiotic gaming community.. We have games that try to emulate real life, and like or not, politics is part of it.. but never mind that.. it doesn't even have to be politically charged, just give a black woman a role as protagonist in a video game, or add one or two homosexual characters and watch at least one idiot scream "SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS!!!1 Fkin SJW CRAP" lol
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