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parkurtommo Blog

Blacklight Retribution: A genuinely good F2P game

Now I know what you're thinking, "it must be pay 2 win!" or "It's free so it must be a bad game!". No. It's none of those.

It's more like; be patient 2 win, and it's quite a nice system. Basically you can rent almost all (but not all, sadly) items that you would normally have to pay for to get permanently. And you do so with in game points called "GP", for example an average TDM match would give you around 150 GP. Renting the gun that I am currently using, "The Burning Sensation", would cost 200 GP to rent it for a day.

So basically, you can rent it forever and ever and ever as long as you have 200 GP.

And I currently have 3000 GP, in my first day. :P

So, it's an F2P shooter that feels balanced and fair. A shooter that stands out in a saturated market full of military shooters. It's still a generic shooter, but it has a lot of cool features and a nice art style.

How's the gunplay you ask? Not anything special, but satisfying. Sneaking around and/or "camping" is essentially impossible in this game, thank god! Why? Because there's an ability that all players have called "HRV". This ability shows the location of all players, sort of like in the Batman Arkham games. What's the catch? The catch is that you can only use it for about 5 seconds, after that it will run out and you have to wait a few seconds for it to recharge. You are also unable to shoot while in HRV. So it's a very balanced situation, that makes the game a lot more fair than CoD and BF etc. Because you will always have situational awareness, but somewhat vulnerable as well.

Weapon customization is a big aspect, you can build a gun and customize it's parts, from the holster to the magazine, everything. Or you can just buy a prebuilt one. The same applies with equipment and armor, all of it can be fully customized, but are also available as presets (called "Heros") and are not customizable.

Also, unlike a lot of F2P games, it's quite a looker. Complete with DX11 features, awesome lighting effects, and more importantly; God Rays!!!

Anyways I definitely recommend this game if you're bored and broke. :P

Alan Wake Impressions

I got Alan Wake + American Nightmare + A few extras 2 days ago when it went on sale (steam) for 9 euros! Pretty good deal. :P

Don't worry, I won't put any spoilers here. :)

I just started episode 3 (it's devided in to 6 episodes I believe). Though I won't talk about the story because, quite frankly, it's not anything special, in fact it's pretty "normal". What I will talk about is the gameplay and of course the atmosphere, graphics etc. So basically darkness is your enemy, it consumes locals (at least, that's what I've been led to believe) and makes them attack you. This only happens at night, during the day sections you don't really encounter anything like that unless it's in a dark room of a building or something.

Yes, this game can be slightly scary at times, but I wouldn't really call it horror at all. It definitely reminds me of Resident Evil, the influence is quite clear actually. You have no reticule, aiming is aligned with your flashlight's ray. Oh and did I mention they are consumed by darkness? Yeah, so you have to shine light on them, the amount of light depends on the strength of the enemy, only then can you shoot them. Without the light, the darkness protects them from bullets, and so damaging them is impossible. Which is why, of course, your flashlight battery only lasts a few seconds while shining it on an enemy, although it wil lrecharge eventually it's always wiser to use a battery to speed that up while in a combat situation.

Also the way that the enemies move reminds me of RE, they move pretty slowly, sometimes they will run, like really fast, faster than you. And ammo is limited, so it's definitely like Resident Evil, but probably a bit more tense because of the whole unpredictable nature of the dark forest.

Speaking of the dark forest, the graphics in the pc version are really quite something. I don't know what the original looked like but this version looks astoundingly good in the forest and in some other bits, definitely better than anything even possible on the 360. The particle effects alone would get dat plastic box melting. I think the particle FX lighting is really amazing, particularly when carrying a flare or firing a flare gun, as everything surrounding the flare lightens up with a light red color,casting shadows behind them, all of this and a few flare and lens flare effects. All in all it's a really good looking game, despite not using any dx11 features which would be a perfect fit for a game like this.

Acomparison between the 360 version and PC version

It's a really good game, you should check it out, prefereably the PC version of course! ;)

It was just a matter of time...

Well... Yesterday my dog ("Corky") died, to be more specific she was put down using a high dosage of anestesia.

Why you ask? Well she had a violent heart attack about 3 or 4 weeks ago and has been getting worse and worse since then, basically her heart was failing and as a result her lungs were being filled with liquid (not sure why). So to limit her suffering, since there were no signs of recovery and she didn't eat at all for 2 weeks, we decided that it was best to put her out of her misery...

Sort of strange how I consider myself a person who lacks emotions, considering I supposedly have a tad of asberger's syndrome, I'm finding it really hard to stay positive.

Of course, after dealing with the "hard" part we had to get rid of the body, I'm not going in to details here because I know you don't want them :/ but she was left in the middle of nature.

And now it's raining, for the first time since April I think, really, really depressing... It's as if a bit of my mind is stuck right where we left her, like I can see her resting there... It's really sad. :(

Before dealing with all of this stuff, while she was sick and stuff I was actually quite indifferent.. Now I'm sincerely disturbed.

Anyways, not a nice turn of events. :[

A complete super mega hyper updated peecee and peethree top 10 games of all time

It's that time of the year again! when I get really bored and decide to make yet another top 10 list for the hell of it.

So, this time I have a bunch of updates because of my new hobby, PC gaming :P

And BTW I think most of these images are from german sources because I'm using a German computer right now (and with a connection of about 20 kb/s omg) :P.

10- The Witcher 2


9- Uncharted 2


8- AC Brotherhood


7- Batman Arkham City


6- Red Dead Redemption


Top 5- This is where the real changes come in

5- STALKER Call of Pripyat


4- Wind Waker


3- Left 4 Dead 2


2- Journey


1- Dark Souls

(you shall always remain here my old friend :P )


What a flattering image.... :P eh.

My first time playing DayZ


This game/mod is everything I expected, an intense (reeeaaally intense) survival simulation.

Just because it has zombies doesn't make it survival horror.. It's not horror at all, the zombies are just.. intimidating at best. But the simple fact that you have nothing but a few complimentary supplies at spawn means you are completely vulnerable to both zombies and players alike.

So far I think I've played 2 or 3 hours, most of which has been trying to find a weapon, though I've only found hatchets.

So I started out on the beach (which is standard I guess), encountered a few zombies and died 5 minutes later, lol. Other lives afterwards were pretty much the same. But today I managed to live about 2 hours, found a hatchet (several in fact) and a few players...

So I remember watching on youtube this guy called "SideStrafe" approaching a fire station, he said that it was infamous or something like that, and should be avoided. So I just said to myself... why the hell not? I went towards it, only to find several player bodies, completely looted. I then encountered a prone player crawling around, I proceeded and identified myself as friendly, he then turned around, positioned himself (as I approached him thinking he was peaceful) and shot me 3 times.


Level 28: Bionic Commando (Finally), finished STALKER CoP and thoughts

Well, that took a while :P

Can't wait to reach level 30 :|

Anyways I spent 25 hours on STALKER CoP doing the main quest, I wish there were more sidequests though :c Now I've installed the complete mod for it, very nice mod, I wish I didn't have to start a new game just to use it though :/ยด

The game has fantastic gameplay, fantastic atomsphere, and more importantly, some pretty scary parts :P

I like how the game doesn't even try to scare you that much, I was pretty much sweating bullets after spending time in the Jupiter plant, walking around there in the dark scares the sh*t out of me, even though there weren't any enemies until near the end (pseudodogs).

Just thinking about it scares me... jesus.

Well here's a speedpaint of mine from today:

Steam Summer Sale Purchases, a painting, and a video.

What I got:



The Binding of Isaac


The Binding of Isaac Wrath of Lamb DLC


Just Cause 2


Just Cause 2 DLC

Arma 2 Combined Ops


STALKER Call of Pripyat




Fallout New Vegas


The Witcher 2


Left 4 Dead 2


All of them are great games :D

Here is the painting I did today, a creature design:

And the video, which is hilarious if you ask me, captured it with fraps while playing STALKER CoP: