Now I know what you're thinking, "it must be pay 2 win!" or "It's free so it must be a bad game!". No. It's none of those.
It's more like; be patient 2 win, and it's quite a nice system. Basically you can rent almost all (but not all, sadly) items that you would normally have to pay for to get permanently. And you do so with in game points called "GP", for example an average TDM match would give you around 150 GP. Renting the gun that I am currently using, "The Burning Sensation", would cost 200 GP to rent it for a day.
So basically, you can rent it forever and ever and ever as long as you have 200 GP.
And I currently have 3000 GP, in my first day. :P
So, it's an F2P shooter that feels balanced and fair. A shooter that stands out in a saturated market full of military shooters. It's still a generic shooter, but it has a lot of cool features and a nice art style.
How's the gunplay you ask? Not anything special, but satisfying. Sneaking around and/or "camping" is essentially impossible in this game, thank god! Why? Because there's an ability that all players have called "HRV". This ability shows the location of all players, sort of like in the Batman Arkham games. What's the catch? The catch is that you can only use it for about 5 seconds, after that it will run out and you have to wait a few seconds for it to recharge. You are also unable to shoot while in HRV. So it's a very balanced situation, that makes the game a lot more fair than CoD and BF etc. Because you will always have situational awareness, but somewhat vulnerable as well.
Weapon customization is a big aspect, you can build a gun and customize it's parts, from the holster to the magazine, everything. Or you can just buy a prebuilt one. The same applies with equipment and armor, all of it can be fully customized, but are also available as presets (called "Heros") and are not customizable.
Also, unlike a lot of F2P games, it's quite a looker. Complete with DX11 features, awesome lighting effects, and more importantly; God Rays!!!
Anyways I definitely recommend this game if you're bored and broke. :P
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