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parkurtommo Blog

STALKER Call of Pripyat is soo gooddd

Yeah it's f*cking fan-f*cking-tastic, b*tch.

You better f*cking play this f*cking game right f*cking now you f*cker.

I've played it for 20 hours in the last 5 or so days and it is THE DEFINITIVE ATMOSPHERIC FPS. Don't like that? Well f*ck you cause it's true and you are false gtfo.

This game is low budget, don't like that? Well you know who else is low budget? YOU ARE.

It has tesselation and all that sh*t that I have on for teh lulz but other than that this game is f*cking ugly!



Want screenshots? Well f*ck you cause I ain't got none--




Things you may or may not know about Journey

I hope I don't sound condescending, but I just wanted really badly to make sure that everyone who plays journey can understand the story. (because I'm sure at first you'll think there is no story)

Oh, and obviously, MAJOR SPOILERS.

I guess I'll start out with the whole concept of Journey... So you start out in the desert after landing in the form of a shooting star of sorts. This star is the result of your character reaching the top of the mountain, only to descend again to the desert. Your objective is to follow the light on the mountain, why? Because of your instinct. :p

The glyphs and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and final confluence show you the story of journey and explain why you encounter a world in ruin.

And that is probably the hardest thing to understand...

In the first confluence, the white robed figure shows you a thriving community of beings similiar to yourself, and a group worshipping cloth.

In the second confluence, the white figure shows you more beings, this time building towers to worship the cloth, the cloth then seems to serve as a source of godly power.

In the third confluence, you start to see the beings entering a blind attitude, building more towers, replacing their thriving community (very similar to the human race).

In the fourth confluence, finally, greed and madness take control, and the cloth is eventually destroyed by the beings, along with the power that once helped them. (again, extremely similar to our current situation) After this, a swarm of stone dragons appear and destroy the towers built by the beings, where these dragons come from I am not sure, but they are the result of the being's behavior.

In the fifth confluence, you see the death of all beings and sand covering their constructions. After what seems to be a very, very long time... You, the player, appear from the sky (just as you do in the beginning of your journey in the form of a star).

In the sixth and final confluence, you are simply shown the journey that you have taken.

You can basically sum this up into a simple story of self destruction, as many mediums have been showing lately (the movie Avatar is another). The beings were once a thriving community but were destroyed for taking advantage of their surroundings and being controlled by greed, only to then be covered in sand and forgotten. As far as I'm concerned this is the destiny of the human race from a pessimistic point of view.

Another thing that some people seem to dismiss and do not fully understand in their first playthrough are a few gameplay related mechanics.

The scarf is probably the main focus of this game, upgrades are found throughout levels which prolong you scarf and the ability to fly longer. Players that join you can help keep you charged if you stay very close together (particularly useful in the final level). The more you upgrade your scarf, the more golden symbols you will permanently gain on your clothing until you gain all of them which will permanently turn you white.

These things add replayibility and are the reasons why I have played this game for more than 100 hours and is now the only ps3 game I still play.

I hope you learned something! (if you read this at all, you probably didn't :p)

Games I've gotten + journey fan art

Just a quick update :p

Oh and btw my ear is fine now, though occasionally it clogs up again when I wake up. But all I have to is repeat the process.

So... (All on steam, mostly because of sales)





(pre-ordered torchlight 2)


Also, a few weeks back:



As for that fan art (I really love Journey):



And that's all! :p

Temporarily Deaf in one ear...

It's not really serious (at least I don't think it is). But it's been ruining my day and if it doesn't stop tomorrow that means I have to wait 4 days until I can get my ear cleaned (which is supposedly why this is happenning, wax build up), maybe longer.

At least my other ear is fine :P

But this means that playing games is significantly less fun, listening to music is pointless, etc.

Anything that requires hearing is something I can't really do AtM :(

I just hope it can be taken care of as soon as possible...

Now Playing: LA Noire (and some speedpaints of course :p)

Let me just start out by saying that this game is the best game I have played so far on my PC (better than Driver San Francisco, Deus Ex HR, Nexuiz, Dear Esther, NFS Undercover, Crysis, all of that sh*t).


This doesn't come close to the masterpiece that was Red Dead Redemption but it's still a prime example of Rockstar's constant talent. I am yet to see a single game developed by Rstar that isn't near-perfect.

I heard a lot about this game back when it came out, but I completely overlooked it considering it's theme was something completely uninteresting to me. And that's still true, I have no interest in Noire movies or literature. But that's irrelevant, if something is well executed it will impress anyone. And boy has this impressed me. I've played little over 6 hours so far and the atmosphere has completely sucked me in. Unlike the other games I've played this week, I'm looking at you Deus Ex HR. >.>

My favorite part so far has been the chases on foot, it feels so real (pc graphics for life yo) and the shaky camera effect always helps. Speaking of graphics... Oh god dat graphix. Apart from the incredibly lacking AA (I saw jaggies... everywhere) this game is mostly photorealistic at all times. With the help of the motion captured facial movements interrogations are a pleasure as well. As for said questionings and interrigations they have been quite intriguing, I love that feeling of suspense before accusing a person of lying, only to find out that you were wrong. Or when someone really is lying, or hiding something, and you choose "doubt" or "lie" and bingo! You are correct! :P

I just love the atmosphere of it all, it's incredibly immersive which is one of those things I really count on while playing a game. That I will eventually lose myself in it's brilliance instead of constantly noticing flaws in every corner (again... Deus Ex).

Well, just letting you guys know that you should really try this game out if you haven't already, you'll enjoy it.

Also, 2 quick speedpaints from yesterday: :p



And fan art for this game (literally just did this):


Can the Price Tag Change the Value of a Game?

Considering the fact that Video Games are a product (though strictly speaking they are also art, but I won't be going there) and gamers are customers/consumers I think this is a very relevant subject.

The Value of a Game

When one buys a game, they make sure that it's a good one (at least I hope they do). But what if this game is 5$, or what if it's 100$, how does this affect it's quality? Well the truth is, I think it does. In fact I think the price is a major characteristic while evaluating a game.


(the Binding of Isaac, an example of a good game that has a very, very low price)

I recently bought Deus Ex HR (The Augmented Edition) for 8 freakin euros. As opposed to the 60 euros price tag it has in retail stores here (and this is without the extra DLC). But sadly, and this is why I'm writing this blog, I think it's low price has allowed me to think of this game as a cheap one. So far I have not enjoyed it at all. And some how I think if I had bought the game for my ps3 (60 euros) I would have enjoyed it. Because the price determines how dedicated you will be to playing this game.

Is a game 10 bucks? Ok, I'll play it for say... 10 hours. Is it 60? Hell I'll play it for 500 hours. I'm not sure if you agree with me or not but I have definitely found this to be true. In this article, EA claims that Steam sales "cheapen intellectual property". Sadly, I think I agree. I think that if you sell a game far lower than it's worth, it will become associated with that price, changing it's value.


(Deus Ex Human Revolution, a critically acclaimed game from last year that is supposed to be pretty damn good)

I'm not kidding guys, I actually intentionally play a game more if it's more expensive to justify my purchase, is this post purchase rationalization? I dunno, but it's definitely a common bias. I sware people would play less COD if it's was actually what it should be: 10-20$.

The thing is, Deus Ex HR is a pretty cool game, it's pleasant, decent. But not impressive, not memorable, and has way too many flaws for me to enjoy it. And I think the low price at which I bought it cheapened it's quality. It made me less biased and I could actually identify it's flaws without having to stop to think: But I paid 60$, it must be good!


(Stormrise, a terribad game)

Another Example I give you is Stormrise, a down right terrible game. And the reason I bought it? Because I had never heard of it but it was the only RTS game I had ever seen for the ps3 (at the time), and it was 60$. Well, despite the 3.5 score I later witnessed after searching for it on GS, I continued to play it for maybe... 20-30 hours. Yes, I played utter sh*t for more than 5 minutes because it had a high price tag, I had to justify my purchase because otherwise it would be like admitting to a mistake.

Well, I'm guessing that not everyone suffers from the same condition, but I just wanted to put that out there to see if any of you guys feel the same.