on xbox live.skullgangs
ha ha skullgangs i didnt even realize you made this.how ya been after getting modded for our last little forum
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on xbox live.skullgangs
ha ha skullgangs i didnt even realize you made this.how ya been after getting modded for our last little forum
[QUOTE="patrickhorta87"][QUOTE="chaoscougar1"] i dont think that was a racist comment, your not a race based on where you live and your standards of educationchaoscougar1
but what do you think of when you hear inbred trailer trash?you think of white people. when was the last time you heard a black person called inbred trailer trash.or a mexican? give me an example
hahaha wow, as someone who is white being called trailer trash doesnt offend me BECAUSE I DIDNT GROW UP IN A TRAILER, SHOCK HORROR! you know who that comment offends, people who live in a trailer park, now call me crazy that isnt a race nor does it include the entire white raceyou doged what i said entirely. i could care less if you lived in a trailer park or if you are white. what do you think of when you hear inbred trailer trash. i just asked people who i work with what they think and they say the same thing. it is used towards white people. that is what i was saying.just like tv that feeds off of that. they portray white people. just like they portray black people as liking watermelon and grape soda.so when those sterotypes are used to describe one race so much it sticks to that race. switch it around and people would say thats not true
[QUOTE="chaoscougar1"][QUOTE="KSU-Wildcat"] really? commonly used? so telling a black person to get a job is racist, but telling a white person to get a job isnt because black people dont generally have jobs? is that what your saying? you know these 'commonly used examples' are NOT COMMONLY RACIST, they are 'commonly used' (as u so eliquently put it) to offend someone of any race, they arent specifically targetted at black, white, brown or yellow. cause i think there are white people who are unemployed and black people who live in a trailer, believe it or not!:oKSU-WildcatYou are repeatedly trying to put words in my mouth. I never said ANY of that. I am simply saying they are common racist STEREOTYPES. I think if I polled the users of this site they would find that telling blacks to get jobs and calling whites trailer trash is racist. Look up STEREOTYPE inthe dictionary, then you will understand.
This is a good example of a stereotype^. Everyone read this. That is what I'm saying.What I tend to hate the most, if I have a bit of slang in my vocabulary im already considered or called a ni**er.
It pisses me off, so i tell them im mexican (which in fact I am) THEN im labeled by some of the racist xbox live online players (the Beaner thats suppose to have a whole bunch of kids or im a border hopper)-(I was born in the u.s. - Chicago,il to be precise). most of the time I keep to myself when i play online, why? because their is not a day in the xbox live community when their wont be a racist individual . Most of the time my headset is off, only on when i play with friends.
thank you. what i was saying and what they tried to tear apart was the fact that when you hear inbred trailer trash what do you think of. what is mostly on tv? who gets teased for boning there cousins. inbred trailer trash. which are white. you never see black inbred trailer trash do you or mexican for that matter. im hawaiin and portugese and get called a beaner. its just ignorant people who would rather put someone down than read a book and learn.i hear people that say there are from spain and they get pissed because they get called mexican. they are not mexican they are spanish there is a difference. the same thing happens with asians.
as i live in australia any game where americans get host (which seems to be all the time unless im playing with a party of 5 aussies) lags like hell, bullets arrive about a second after you shoot them. it is by far the worst game for lag i have ever played, other games i do lag a little, but its bearable, in gears when it lags its almost impossible to have a half decent gamechaoscougar1
could the lag be worse because you live in australia and you play people in the u.s ive been kind of curious about that
[QUOTE="KSU-Wildcat"][QUOTE="chaoscougar1"] what on earth do u mean by that?chaoscougar1
Sorry, I should have clarified, but now I have an example. Look at the post I made before this one. ^^^. He is just as racist as the guy making fun of him. All sides are guilty, and it sucks.
i dont think that was a racist comment, your not a race based on where you live and your standards of educationbut what do you think of when you hear inbred trailer trash?you think of white people. when was the last time you heard a black person called inbred trailer trash.or a mexican? give me an example
[QUOTE="patrickhorta87"][QUOTE="BrooklynHotBoy"]I hear a lot of racial slurs on GOW2 and the last 2 COD's.
few days ago while playing GOW2 some guy blurted out (your president can't save you now [n-word]. i'm baffled as to how uneducated inbred trailer can afford internet access. amazing.
and yet you make a racist remark about white people. because that person used the n-word does that mean he lives in a trailer and is an inbred trailer trash. in your words amazing. oh and i dont think they pay for it. they steal it from there neighbors
Lmao well I be damn if it ain't Patrickhorta87 coming to troll a storm in my topics...hey if it isnt skullgangs. hows it going "friend"? ha ha ha
Does anyone know how to run up the ladder and spear/clothesline/leap for the belt in Smackdown vs Raw 09?
Its in 07 and 08 but I cant seem to do it in 09. Im thinking that the controls for it were change or it was taken out altogether
help would be greatly appreciated
i could have sworn that when you have the ladder like so /I(well kinda i tried. you should just be able to run towards it and you will do the clothesline. i only need one more achievement for that game. the 5 hall of famers one. i got maybe 4 more titles to go with my last guy
Will have by tonight
On the final act just before the Brumak Ride
I hate the Tickers on Insane!!!!
the tickers suck i run like hell
[QUOTE="patrickhorta87"][QUOTE="Store24"]I'm with you man. I noticed that it it made me so angry I just lost it and thew my Xbox against the wall as hard as I could. It put the big hold in the wall and broke part of the window next to it. It made such a loud sound that my neighbor called the police and my landlord evicted me.
So now I'm thinking about suing Gears 2. I mean just like you said, how can they do tha crap?? Its there fault!
what the hell! you should have created this title.
Its called sarcasm...
you never know theres people out there like that
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