[QUOTE="Rasjr20"][QUOTE="defiant3279"] Actually, pop is the most preferred style of music in the world. I like rock because there is usually meaning behind the words. Today's version of rap is utter garbage. It's all about "Oh yeah ma boys, we be makin'paper, slappin' hoes, smokin' sum bud, we gonna F dat gurl tonight, I'd tap that, do me, booty call, and holla back! *strikes retarded rapper pose*....See what I mean? The only rapper worth listening to was Tupac. HE actually had a point. He was more about problems with society, experiences with poverty, good and bad relationships, survival, knowing your place in the world and even life after death. He is the only one I ever listened to and it will probably stay that way. Rap was once okay with me but....It's just fallen too far from grace, now. If you like rap, I can respect that, but don't just listen to it because you think it makes you hardcore. I've known too many wannabe rappers who think they're gangsta just because they sing along to rap, wear jewelry, and own a shirt that comes down to their knees. They're all talk and nothing more. People who imitate rappers by carrying firearms, joining gangs, and trying to start fights will geta serious wake-up call when they get their asses landed in prison. These kind of people benefit nothing to society and are but a waste of space and sperm. I'm sure this isn't the case with you but I have seen it plenty of times.
Wow that was pretty much what i was gonna type anyway i agree with you especially bout Tupac
Thank you, It's good to see others who can agree.
nicely put. for some reason when i read that i started hearing the beginning son to halo. weird. im not a fan of rap the old stuff was nice. today it has no meaning. i think its more material now than it is emotional. like tupac was emotional. lil john lil wayne and all them talk about the same thing over and over. look i can only hear about your car having 24 fo in ch rims so many times and i could care less how much ice you got around your neck and on your teeth. way to spend your supposed hard earned money. when you can write a song about chicken noodle soup. anyone can be a rapper
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