patrickhorta87's forum posts
[QUOTE="patrickhorta87"][QUOTE="Papadrach"]cuz that and campaign are the only things that work right
Papadrach i sense some hatred
yes cuz the MP has too many glitches and bugs. How come the same shotgun does a diff amount of damage based on the persons connection?good question my friend at gamestop was saying the same thing that if someone has a slower connection that it basically ruins it for everyone
still kind of getting used to this whole posting thing. Usually I only use this if I'm seeking information and advice I can't find on my own. My Bad.ShinJedi
nah man dont worry i just go into some post where a guy says hey what do you reccomend and then the moderator comes in after so many replies that are helping the tc and says you the sticky thread. so i didnt want you to get your hopes up for responses just to have them lock your post
Due to the fact that Sony has by far the worse customer service I have ever dealt with, I've decided that I'm going to deal away my defected PS3 that Sony refused to fix for me after I paid $150 to fix it and am going to get a 360. I guess what I'm asking is what game should I first play on the 360 and shout I get just the regular 60 gig 360 or the Elite? And how does the XBOX Live compare as well? Any information would be extremely helpful.
tell you what man i can see this post getting locked and they are going to tell you to use the reccomendation thread.
1) super mario 3-nes
2) street fighter 2-genesis
3)metal gear solid-ps1
4) metal gear solid 3-ps2
5)halo combat evolved-xbox
6) resident evil 4-ps2
7)gears of war 1-xbox360
8) gta-vice city-ps2 and xbox
9) fallout 3-xbox360
10) gears of war 2-xbox360
When I look at previews and read articles for a really "great" game, I become so excited to play it, and when I finally get my hands on it, it feels only mediocre and boring. It feels like "Yeah, I've played this thing before." I'm not just talking about hype; even when I haven't done much research on a game or even heard about it really but see that everyone loves it so much AFTER playing the game, I still think the game only mediocre.
This has happened with:
GoW2, Fable 2, The Orange Box, Halo 3, CoDWaW, Mass Effect, GTAIV, Left4Dead, Bioshock, etc.
The only two games that I own that absolutely blew me away were GoW1 and CoD4... i'm not saying the other games I listed aren't good; they are. Definitely. I just got kinda bored of most of them and had to work to complete them (which I did for everyone). GoW1 blew me away because it was the first 360 game I played and I only had the gamecube from lastgen consoles, so you can only imagine how much better this experience was. CoD4 blew me away because it was so damn intense and realistic. It's the only game I've replayed at least 3 times of the ones listed. Anyways, I'm not trying to flame or call any of these games bad. Maybe I just have overly high standards haha. Anyways, does this happen to any of you guys? Thanks for the input.
i normally dont read too much into previews so that i dont hype the game up too much. because once you do that then you will be dissapointed. the one game that was actually alot of fun for me like someone else said was n3. i dont know why but the story was horrid but the combat was fun for some reason
[QUOTE="Morning_Revival"]Its not amazing, its not even good. Too slow, combat sucks, story is generic, and the ending completely sucks.celebateThis comment proves my point.. To many people on this forum with ADD that cant focus on a game that makes you think a little.. Its all about button mashing nowadays.. Sad really...By the way , a game doesnt have to be all action to be good... Just a tidbit of advice.. I find the game to be completly engrossing with everything you can do ... And the story is hardly generic.. Thats one of the strong points of the game , there is hundreds and hundreds of different avenues you can pursue in this game , and each with its own story... By the way , I notice you have Ninja gaiden 2 in your game list , now that was a brilliant story wasnt it....
i thought the game was awesome thats why i played it 3 times and got 1000/1000 i caught myself playing for 4 hours one time but anymore than that i think my head would explode.
ok i know this is a good game but my parents wont let my buy it dont ask about that but they let me play resestance 2 call of duty 4 and gears of war 2 with gore off so i am asking how much inerpropreit content is there in this game or can you turn it off or somthing please help me convince game i so want thiskimpachi14
wow. ive played the game and got 1000/1000 and nothing is bad in that game,i mean sure you can shoot someones head off but you can do that in gears also.maybe your parents know that its a washington dc wasteland and see thats where we're going and dont want you to see it ha ha idk. but you should be able to play it. if not say buy me army of two and turn the volume up and listen to the f-bombs drop for no reason
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