Let's get this over with. There's always a debate it seems on which is better.
Everyone put their opinion in and let's get this showdown started.
I'll start us off. Personally, Infinity Ward owns the crap out of Treyarch and thy make the best Call of Duty's. I'm terrible at CoD: WaW, and MUCH better at CoD4. I've got a 1.77 K/D in WaW and a 1.82 K/D in CoD4. But for some reason, I'm just bad at WaW. I do well on certain maps, but I'm not consistent. I don't know which guns to use, I mostly use the STG-44 though in WaW, but I don't have any certain strategy. It seems the maps are too big to me I guess, but I'm not sure. Another problem I have is that the uniforms and people like blend in with the maps. I know it sounds like I'm stupid, but I played WaW yesterday, and went 11-8 on three straight maps. So then, I pop in CoD4 and I go 31-4, first game, haven't played the game in 3 weeks, and I go 31-4. I'm not even using the M16, which I dislike, but I'm using the MP5.
I feel like the kills in WaW are BS sometimes, and I feel like Treyarch almost made the game like battlefield, but tried to also stay consistent with CoD run and gun gameplay. It's almost like a hybrid, because they try to make it feel epic, but also fast paced and get's your heart beat up.
The glitches don't bother me, because I know they'll be fixed and I haven't had too many encouters with them, but the guns also seem unbalanced to me.
So my vote goes to CoD4. Here's to Modern Warfare 2:D
it always comes down to this. this will not be the final debate so change the title of your blog. for those of you who like the modern warfare then play it. for those of you who like the ww2 stuff then play that. me myself i like history so its cool that you actually get to have your guy playing through some of the battles that happened. also modern warfare was cool becaus it was fresh and new.
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