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#1 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

Just wanted to let everyone know, Someone is literally trying to steal my account as we speak. Playing a bit of Quantum of Solace, and this GT Chixxie666 addes me, starts telling me that he doesnt have castle crashers, but he really wants it, and if I just lend him my GT and Password, that he wont steal anything because he already has gold. I am playing with him, pretending I am dumb, giving him false hope, but really, I already reported him to MS, and I hope anyone else who runs into him does the same... what a joke.NOD_Grindking

this is why i dont play online

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#2 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

I'm kind of OCD about everything haha. My DVD's, CD's, books, but especially games. The disc always comes out of the system when I'm done playing and goes back in the case. I keep my games in order of when I bought them on my shelf. My game cases are all in mint condition and I'm always leery of letting other people borrow a game of mine because I'm afraid that they'll mess it up somehow or another. chappy4310

wasnt it so much nicer back in the N64 days when you had cartridges. if they got dirty clean them with a q-tip

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#3 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="Andrn"]Fallout time put it in the topic, please. It helps people. Tenpenny Tower...letting the Ghouls move in? So you killed him for You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head? I would go talk to Roy and see what he says, but otherwise I don't see a way out of this.gamer082009
I always thought most people familiar with Fallout 3 knows what Tenpenny Tower is! But maybe I'm wrong.

thats exactly what i was thinking.

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#4 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

Does anyone like me OCD about taking care of thier games and putting them away when done?

my 360 games, and all my games, have original boxes and in perfect condition. i keep them in order on a shelf and put them back where i took them out of. one reason is i kind of am OCD and games are so much that i wanna take care of them so they work.

i cant stand people that just leave their games laying around where everand on the floor to get danaged.


i have a weird setup its almost like a habit. the last game i played always goes first in front of my games. its just weird.

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#5 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

Xbox 360 has someting of a 33% failure rate. I forgot where I read this information but that by know means is anything to brag about. Hush, hush, Microsoft. I've had to replace two of my systems in the last four years. Seven of my friends all at some point have had to replace their systems as well. All I can suggest to you is keep your system in a well ventilated place, away from carpet, and dust when needed. Other then that, well....anything can happen. It's just a question of when?Skeletorchriss

are you playing for like 8 hours a day. thats what i always wondered with the rrod. does it come from one playing to much that your putting so much stress on the system. i probrably play an 1 to 2 hours like every two days if im lucky. ive had my 360 for about a year and a half. it doesnt make any loud noises and i havent had any problems with it. just curious is someone can answer my question?

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#6 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

anyone have any tips or anything for me?Jdon2008

be ready to lose track of time. the other day i played for an hour so i thought. it ended up being for hours later.its easy to get lost in the game. so much to explore.

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#7 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="sivasiva"]It is better to install a fan to ur 360.ChristopherRage
This again is a good question that has no right or wrong answer. Some people swear by adding a fan to the back of the system and others believe that it can actually harm the 360. Personally I use an extra fan from Nyko. It has not harmed my system in any fashion. I placed this on my system after getting the RROD after only owning my Xbox for a year. It has been another 2 years now since getting my system fixed, by M$, and Ive had no over heating issues. I can play for hours straight, 8+ in one sittting and my system is nearly as cool as it is when I first boot it up. However, I do have it elevated in order to keep the bottom well ventilated and I believe that a great deal of issues with over heating come from lack of ventilation on the bottom and dust collection on the vents. Here's my tips on preventing the RROD. 1. Elevate your system. 2. Make sure that there is nothing blocking any vents on your system. 3. Clean your system of dust regularily. 4. Be careful placing your system next to other electrical drvices. (Ie. Cable or DishBoxes) These boxes run EXTREMLY hot and thus increase the temp insife your system. 5. And lastely, make sure to not allow your system to sit directly on the floor, especially carpet. This allows for debris, such as dust and dirt, to easily get into the vents and the floor is generally warmer than say a shelf.

i have heard though that the fans actually melted onto a few 360's. i would have crapped myself if I saw this melted plastic goop all over my 360

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#8 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="skullgangs"] Too late you are already on my lvl for the past what 7 pages lol.skullgangs

aww man you almost did it.almost one complete sentence.

Too late you (WERE) on my level for the past seven

I know my grammar is bad so what?? what are you trying to prove here son?

the fact that you will still not admit that you messed up. and you are egging people on. maybe its just not clicking man. i dont know. and didnt you say yourself what does grammar have to do with this. you just proved it my saying your grammar is bad

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#9 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

funny cuz the only thing you guys can joke about here is spelling and grammar for the past 7 pages nothing els. I brought up at lest five different subjects. you kids just revert back to the same crap.skullgangs

the only thing you brought up was fighting somebody, weiners and spelling. were done with fighting. we dont want to talk about weiners. so we're talking about your spelling

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#10 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="Dredg11"][QUOTE="skullgangs"]I love 3 on1 one. maybe you guys should start sending each other nude pics and call it a day you think?skullgangs
If I was saying things on the level of the stupidity you are, I'd hope some people would get on me about it.

Too late you are already on my lvl for the past what 7 pages lol.

aww man you almost did it.almost one complete sentence.

Too late you (WERE) on my level for the past seven