[QUOTE="Dredg11"] Dude, I don't really wanna get into this too much and perpetuate your ignorance...but I do MMA. I train with guys who fight in the UFC and Affliction at Xtreme Couture here in Toronto. I'm not afraid to see you on the street, unless you've got a weapon in your hands. If you wanna be like the last tough guy on GameSpot to challenge me to a fight, fine. You're welcome to come to Xtreme Couture and fight me there. I don't fight on the street. Again, you're more than welcome to come. I'll set it all up. Last time this happened, the guy wouldn't give me any info to set it up though...he got scared as soon as he realized I wasn't kidding.skullgangs
congrats to you my bro is going to brazil for bjj tournaments in march
Patrickhorta87 with that retard name why you kissing his behind so much ? huh I too also take part in MMA I was going to say the same thing before him . But he beat me too it.also just leave man just so random coming in here talking rubbish...
wow bravo there buddy. ouch you hurt me with my name. oh god you have amazing skills at pointing my name out. so im supposed to leave a forum that we are all allowed to write in because you tell me too. amazing. I tell you what. grow up. block that person sending you pictures of weiners and get over it.you spent the whole time arguing that you didnt spell anything wrong but you did.
[QUOTE="skullgangs"][QUOTE="dRuGGeRnaUt"]you phone 1-800-4-my-xbox, i dont know where, but on this automated service you can report it. If you still have the picture msg in your inbox, they will review it. if "said penis picture" is true, you have more options than to just get him banned. If he is from your country, or any country that has law against "indecent exsposure" or "lewd acts" you can ACTUALLY CHARGE HIM. thats what i would do. you would do the same if someone did this to your daughter/son, there is no difference, he didn't know how old you were. technically you can get him arrested. as for all the people mad at this guy for posting this. How "wood" :) you feel if this happened to you, or worse yet your child? grow up, this type of behaviour is NOT okay. if you think it is, then YOU are probably the ones doing it.Dredg11
Same thing I said ksu-wildcat and the other poster are the same kinda a ppl on xbox live,I could bet my life on it.But Like I said I even email one of them if ever saw them in the streets they would not last five mins. they can only hide behide a screen and poke at grammar errors. They always lose. Dude, I don't really wanna get into this too much and perpetuate your ignorance...but I do MMA. I train with guys who fight in the UFC and Affliction at Xtreme Couture here in Toronto. I'm not afraid to see you on the street, unless you've got a weapon in your hands. If you wanna be like the last tough guy on GameSpot to challenge me to a fight, fine. You're welcome to come to Xtreme Couture and fight me there. I don't fight on the street. Again, you're more than welcome to come. I'll set it all up. Last time this happened, the guy wouldn't give me any info to set it up though...he got scared as soon as he realized I wasn't kidding.
congrats to you my bro is going to brazil for bjj tournaments in march
You complain of racism and yet you are racist in your post. Hypocrisy for the win i guess. Something tells me they weren't the only ones being racist. Grow up, and don't let people like this bother you. I see they have already brought you down to their level, and you shouldn't let that happen.
How is trying to get them banned goign to there lvl? you make no sense am just trying to get rid of them for good. You probly act the same way they do. revses raiscmin ic
wow dude you really cant spell. ha ha ha.ill fix it for you.
How is trying to get them banned going to their level? You make no sense, I am just trying to get rid of them for good. You would probrably act the same way they do.
[QUOTE="vashkey"][QUOTE="CardiacKid07"]im done with hearing people complain. if you want to complain then send a email to them.CardiacKid07
Or you could just stop reading threads that are blatantly about complainging.... Or he can go post in the epic forums where it may even get read instead of hear where they wont see it. Or he could put this in his Blog.
or you can stop reading them and he can send them an email. but that is true dude. epic isnt going to come on here and here your rant. take it up with them man. this is why i dont play online.
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