patrickhorta87's forum posts
You might want to mention what game you are actually talking about next time. :)Caddy06_88
its fallout 3.
[QUOTE="michael_brennan"]No kidding. So far I've only beaten one mission on it, and even that one was a pain to get through. Even if you hide behind cover the enemy CONSTANTLY THROWS GRENADES at you. It's like every enemy has 10 frags with them!!!!Vet mode on CoD:WaW, its a ****
if you want to be exact it actually 11 frags. just kidding but yeah thats what it feels like.
Single Player? Rarely, but earlier I was upset about World at War on Veteran. Multiplayer- Gears of War 2. Morning_Revival
i know dude i drop a couple of F bombs during call of duty.
i couldnt get fawkes at first because of my karma was to low
and i went to the museum after it was positive and he isnt there.
what now?
is this after youve been to ravenhole
[QUOTE="Blue_Panda"]nobody lieks you go back to ur interwebs hole. everyone likes halo. talk trash about it and the secret Gates Popo will show up at ur door and take you to a room and torcher you and ull probably die b4 u see day. Halo rules the world now, and even if me and u hate it as a game, its gonna go down in history as the best shooter ever. but really id rather play Hello Kitty Island Adventure of Azeroth 2x The Kitty 2k934.
WTH..?? I'm sorry man...what did you just say..?? I could make-out some of what was said but....
i think you need a secret decoder ring to pick some of that out
I'm trading GEARS 2 for Left 4 Dead... if ppl have been following my thread, I have given up on GEAR2 online and I'm sure that Epic will fix it in about 4 months, but damn Left 4 Dead are getting some major attention, and I heard the co-op is kicking major asssunnystarz
knock yourself out. are you waitng for someone to tell you not to do it.
[QUOTE="ownzone55"]I think its a bad decision trust me. Don't you think microsoft is going to check the system first like if has been tampered with, modded, ect. If microsoft finds out they will send your 360 back, blacklist your name at the repair center and customer service as a scammer and won't even offer to repair your 360 anymore. Muhannad_basic
where in the hell did you get all that from?? none of what you said is true. Alot of people have done what he said and it worked fine.
dont you think that ms would pay someone to get on websites like these and read how people are trying to swindel them. pay the 100 bones and move on. and i know someone is going to say well ms should have made a good system. well nothings perfect. cars dont last forever right you have to replace parts on them. what about refrigerators. you have to replace filters and do maintenance. same with shoes etc. just pay the money b4 they catch on and actually just send you your system back with no fixes. if i were ms i would put a sticky note on your xbox and say nice try.
[QUOTE="contaminated"]i hate easy achievments i like a challenge. so far my favorite achievments is the orange box achievments and thats how achivments should of been done if you ask me. i pity those who strive for a quick gamerscore.Del_The_Prophet
I agree with contaminated. What's the point of increasing your gamerscore? So other NERDS can envy how NERDY you are? Find a game that you enjoy and play it. Other than that, I have no advice for you.
exactly thank you. i like getting the achievements that are fun. im not going to put 200 hours into a game or collect flags. i like the one like in call of duty waw where you have to shoot 3 people with one bullet. thats a task but fun
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