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#1 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

im curious because i really dont know the difference between 720p and 1080i. all of my games play fine with 1080i. i noticed when playing fallout 3 that it tends to get slow. i was wondering is it my tv or is it just the game.

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#2 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

i dont mind paying with these points but what i really dont like is that they come in 2100. all of the games are evn numbers so if i want an xbo (1200), and two arcade games (one at 800 and one at 400) i will then have to buy some more points. i know it sounds stupid but they are just making you buy more and more even if you dont need all of them.R_MAHIL

is it just me or isnt this how a buisness is supposed to work. to make money.if you keep complaining about the points dont buy them. every company will do this give sony some time. there just getting started with their network.

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#3 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="patrickhorta87"]ha ha man look on google and see that microsoft was just sued for knowingly selling consoles that scratch disks. i guess these were with the older 360's before they started fixing them.shawn7324
No your still not supposed to tilt console while powered on with disc inside. I hooked up my father in laws new Xbox 360 Friday & peeled the same warning label explaining not to do this that I did on mine over 2 years ago.

if you read what i worte they just got sued for knowing that the 360's scratches cd's. WHEN ITS NOT BEING MOVED. they knowingly sold consoles that did this. mine has never done this though. i play with my horizontal and have no problems.

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#4 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts
ha ha man look on google and see that microsoft was just sued for knowingly selling consoles that scratch disks. i guess these were with the older 360's before they started fixing them.
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#5 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts
i seen it at gamestop for 26.99
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#6 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

early in the game i was gonna try and play it without online help..

i thought (wrongly) that i should try to keep things pretty even when it came to S.P.E.C.I.A.L... and to the stats, which ofcourse was a mistake..

my biggest problem is i cant really decide what i want my char to be.. i know i want good lock picking...

and i cant decide what weapons i should use. right now small guns is the highest with melee second

i also cant decide what other stats i should lvl up highest..

i was thinking repair and speech

Ill post all of the stats later today...

im getting through the game with no problems really, but i feel that im messing up and missing out on a lot of things bc none of my stats are really too high

i also messed up one of my perk choices and wasted it on an xp boost.. the one with plus 10% xp... i misread it and thought it was 10% more skill points.. idk im an idiot lolzzz

i really dont want to start over.. any suggestions on how i can fix it from where i am.. i will post all the stats later, dont feel like looking at the moment, im either lvl 7 or almost 7 cant remember

any help/advice is much appreciated


this is what i did. when ever i would level up i would put most of it towards the major ones. like medicine ,repair ,lockpich,speech, then when you get to choose your perk i would pick something that had to do with guns or explosives. i found the one with the rifles and the laser rifles to be the most helpful in the game. im on my second playthrough so i learned how to balance everything out. but hey to each his own.if you need help finding booble heads just drop a message too. thats my main objective is finding those guys right now. that and that damn nuka quantom quest.

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#7 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

Roughly 125...Andrn

yeah i find about 111 on my second play through as a good person. im still trying to find all the nuka quantoms. i have like 4 more to go.also where are all teh super human behemoths. i only know of two but i dont want to spoil anything for anyone

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#8 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts
i think what people should do is hope for the worst that way they dont get let down
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#9 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

I was a Halo fan since the first game, and now im throwing away the helmet. Halo 3 is the biggest let down to one of the best series.

Halo 1 was named combat evolved, and it delivered everything its name promised. It was the first great console shooter in my opinion, had everything from a good single player campaign, multiplayer and the visuals to match.

Halo 2 kept this up with better multiplayer features, dual welding, improved graphics on the same hardware, and still a very decent single player campaign. It introduced the arbitor and let you in on his story. Very cool indeed.

Halo 3 did not match up to the first two games in any aspect. Single player campaign is abysmal. There are only a few good missions, and you can name them on your first three fingers. For every other mission, it was basically, find this, get to this point, and watch the cutscene so the story can progress. They made an entire mission on helping allied soldier escape?!! This is Halo 3, ther universe is about to explode. Where did story progression go? Did Bungie developers sudddenly catch down syndrome?

There were so many opportunities for Halo 3 to be a good game, and Bungie failed to catch any of them. What the hell happened to the arbitor. Bungie introduced the coolest character next to master chief and just abandonned it. They could have easily diversified game play and expand on the story. There are no other compelling characters other than cortana and truth, and truth isnt even focused on until he dies.

The new combat features are pathetic, the only cool feature is ripping a turret off. And this is suppose to make up for a covoluted story, poor level design and horrible graphics? There were portions of the game where I really thought I was playing halo 2 again. There were improvements in lighting and character modeling, but they're ruined by horrible jaggness. Halo 3 released in 2007! Alongside Gears of War!

Multiplayer and the forge is Halo 3's only saving grace. But this is not excusable. Bungie should have just charged 30 dollars for a new multiplayer halo game.

Edit: Hopefully you didnt get sucked into fanfarism, and realize that I was comparing Halo 3 with its predecessors and saying how the campaign failed in comparison.


WOW your a disgrace saying they have caught Down syndrome i think that makes you the lowest of the low.

yeah dude thats pretty bad. my cousin has down syndrome you senseless prick.maybe you should choose your effin words better.yeah maybe all that money that made off of the haters have gone to their heads

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#10 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="Heroldp813"]Honestly i'm like 2 more threads away from reporting people b/c this is obliviously trolling and isn't this the 10th "I Hate Halo" thread out here. I'm gonna find out if this is trolling and you better hope to God they say no b/c this is getting real annoying, save room for more improtant issues, not just so you can see how many posts you can get.Heroldp813

oh no the gamespot security guard. dude let him rant because people are going to make him feel stupid.

Make me feel stupid? So are you gonna be the one to do that? Who cares what you think?. Anyway Halo3 the game is the #1 game on Xbox live right now, so explain to me how it's a disappointment for millions of people, and if you think this thread is cool then maybe you missed the 80 similar ones like it

well if you were intelligent enoguh to read what i said. I said make the Tc feel stupid.

I'm sorry but if you were intelligent enough you would know enough was spelled E-N-O-U-G-H, and i don't know what a TC is, this is my first forum account and im only on it when I'm at my desk during work

TC stands for Topic Creator.

Thank you. I'm happy to know that there is some cool people still on these forums.

After looking at what you said i did notice you weren't talking to me and i apologize:oops:

apology accepted.dude i just hate people that **** about the games that they can only blame themselves for hyping up so much and then get mad when the game fails to meet there expectations.just because its halo 3 you dont have to hype it.i thought 1 was great,2 was decent, 3 was ok.but a game is a game. people like to hate what is EXTREMELY popular so that they can stand out and get some attention.the same goes with call of duty 4. people praise that game like god crapped it out. im not a big fan of it. i never was a big fan of it.