[QUOTE="Atreyu606"][QUOTE="wile315"] [QUOTE="Atreyu606"]horrible graphics!? are you blind?! the graphics are better than any halo game before it, and better than most games to date. You need to take a step back, and look at the game as a whole, instead of comparing it and finding every little thing to complain about. Halo 3 is a great game, one of the best yet, and if you don't agree, stop playing it. Go back to halo 2 or 1, and leave people who love halo 3 alone. The games been out for a year and your just now complaining about it? if you don't like it, play something else. simple as that.wile315
LOL are you blind? Yes I already said there were improvements, character modeling and lighting. Battlefields were larger, yes. When I look at the game on the whole, I notice a few gorgeous levels, and a whole lot of sub-par level design. Yes i can take the approach of just paying attention to the good parts but the bad parts are so much more overwhelming this time around. Did anyone else think Bungie could have smoothed out some of that jaggness easily. Or put slightly more details on the trees or the inside of the convenant ships. These glaring gloss overs just make me feel that Bungie did a really lazy job of passing graphics. At best I felt Halo 3 looked like a standard current gen shooter. At worst, they could have made this on the xbox. The truth is, it just felt that Bungie did not put as much effort into Halo 3 as Halo 2 or 1.
You're such a halo zealot that you lost your brain. Dont you think its bad for bungie to hear all these praises from the die hard fans who obviously lost their ability to critique constructively anymore? It seems to me that the Halo community needs people who will point out where Halo 3 went wrong, so Bungie can freshen up and deliver the best next game.
you need to get a better tv, cause I play on a HD tv and the game is gorgeous. The campaign is great, the multiplayer is amazing, the new game machanics are always fun, and the game is all around amazing. If you want a game thats completely campaign (cause thats what you seem to be focusing on) play bioshock. Halo 3 is one of the best games I've played, and I still play it daily, a year after its release. Your expectations are way too high, and I think you should learn to enjoy the game as it is, or stop playing it.
Okay, yes, my expectations are high, because its HALO. And my expectation were high after Halo 1, Halo 2 delivered and Halo 3 didnt. I dont see why the Halo community should all of a sudden lower their expectations. I mean we critique other games so intensely that we cant do it for our one game? I love halo multiplayer by the way and I enjoy halo 3 in that aspect. But isnt it a bit sad that now we only have Halo 3 multiplayer to praise. We sort of lost single player.
And I do play on a samsung HDTV, 1080i 40 inch. Halo 3 is the only jagged game.
isnt anyone else pist off about paying for Halo 3 legendary map pack? The fact that Bungie is requiring the download on the better game rooms makes me feel that they're milking us for money.
ill send you money so you can wipe your tears ok. your probrably one of those people who think that call of duty 4 is the greatest game ever made. In my opinion that game sucked. Halo 3 concluded the story. if you wanted it to be more like 2. you should write to bungie and say ask them to make you a special copy of 2 with updated graphics. But remember to ask them to wipe their A$$ with it first before they send it to you.
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