[QUOTE="SirCokerThe9th"][QUOTE="sixgears2"][QUOTE="Dillon12221"][QUOTE="sixgears2"][QUOTE="wildcat37"] Really everyone says halo 3 was overrated and a dissapointment but really what were you expecting? I mean its online is very similar to halo 2 but really isn't that what they were going for? I just don't understand what was so awful about it, I mean sure the campaign is kinda boring, but its no worse then halo 2's, and forge and theatre are cool features, so really what were you expecting from halo 3 that wouldn't have made it overrated?
The entire Halo series is overrated, that's why I hate ALL of them.
well you must have liked something about them...or you wouldnt have played them? or you never have played them and you are just saying that because you are mad because you didnt play them. and if so stopping making trashing it and play the trilogy. Halo is an awesome series. and Halo 3 is a great game. All the people that say its trash is people that OVERhyped the crap out of it. Or they really suck at the game. Im a brigadier lv 2. and i still love the game. Also Love the COD 4. just to say.
I did play them, all of them, and they all sucked. Hoped they would get better because it had some potential, but no such luck. You are just are just a Halo fanboy who takes the Master Chief as Jesus and the Halo series as the greatest thing to ever hit the planet when it really is nothing more than an average shooter with an average story that does not innovate in any area, and that caters to teenagers and young kids with bright colors and laser guns. Please don't lecture me about Halo, I am too busy playing real shooters where people's response to being shot is not to jump 20 feet in the air or use an "energy sword". Come on.
You're too busy playing real shooters but you're online arguing in a forum about Halo 3. Great job.Thanks bud, I was referring to when I am, you know, actually playing games, not right this second. But, hey, taking statements out of context and trying to sound smart is also cool. Great job.
wow thats really funny what you said about playing a real shooter and not jumping twenty feet in the air.lets get something clear im not going to bash either side.i enjoy halo but i dont think its the crem de la crem.halo got what it deserved score wise yes it does have its problems.but lets not forget that it is just a game so its ok to jump 20 feet in the air. there technically is no real shooters and i hope that when you said this you werent refering to call of duty 4.people praise that game like god crapped it out.its just like halo you have the die hard fanboys that will bash and verbally destroy every game and point out every other games flaws to make there game look better.so everyone has there opinions. im not going to play halo and say screw everyone this game is god but im not going to say that it was the worst game ever made.its not.call of duty 4 is not the worst game ever but not the best.so just respect peoples opinions and stop being such fanboys.dont sit in front of your tv with your hands in yor pants prasing games like there god.plus all you guys that wont play a game just because it got a low score.ply the game and decide for yourself.those scores are just what somebody thought of the game.
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