[QUOTE="killerfist"] [QUOTE="patrickhorta87"]its so funny how all you guys are like lets talk about politics and how they shouldnt be allowed on there to play because of there squeaky voices.but killer fist over here has an obsession with pixealted boobs.ahem your picture.kids are being kids and having fun.i mean i did when i played my snes the first time i got it and now these kids are happy that they get to talk to there friends and get to play a game they like.and a lot of you are probrably pissed off because these little squeakers are kicking your asses at most of these game anyway:lol:yucky_straw
lol obsession? no just liked the pic:P anyway I agree sort off. i used to play alot of games in the NES/SNES days. but playing games online at that age is a different ballgame imo
You're right. It is a different ballgame (or videogame) when playing online. I too played NES/SNES/GENESIS games when I was a little squirt, but I wasn't interacting with 25 year olds who at anytime could say things that I shouldn't hear. Or pressure me to take part in a unsuitable conversation for a child.
I was playing Mortal Kombat around the time it was causing this commotion in the media about it being too violent for kids. But I turned out fine. And so did my friends who played as well. But I wasn't extremely young either, maybe 13? Even still, kids a lot younger that than were playing it, and I don't think it had any negative effects on them either. It was just a fun game.
And if I had a child, I probably would let them play it too. But not online. I wouldn't want my young child talking to adults on a headset about...well anything.
The movement to censor violence in videogames has kind of died down. Now it's all about sex in videogames. But if these people had any idea what children are really being expose to when playing online, the content in the game would be the last thing on their minds.
censoring sex in video will be no different then them turning on the real world or watching a movie on tv.everywhere they go there going to hear the f word or hear somebody get called a homo.its life dude real as real.if they get kicked offxbox live theyll just turn on mtv and watch someone fighting or cussing at eachother.
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