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#1 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

me i think it will get 9.5 out of 10.sphinx-shadow

who cares what score it gets. it doesnt mean that the game is going to suck if it gets a low score or a high score;ive played some games that got like 7 and i liked them alot better thn some of the games that gets 9's and ups

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#2 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts
the funny thing about achievements is that people really dont care about how many damn points you have;ive played 29 games and my score is only 5570;and i dont care;if its a fun game to and the achievements are fun to get ill try to get them;i dont play online anymore so the only achievemnts i really never get are the online ones.
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#3 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="ag3ntz3rox0x"]Army of two (360) Halo 3, super mario galaxy. ive got a edge card so add 10%. craigalan23

30,no idea,and 27. Factor in ten percent then there's what you get.

army of two prolly 30,i turned in halo and they gave me 38 for it,dont care for wii

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#4 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

[QUOTE="patrickhorta87"]its so funny how all you guys are like lets talk about politics and how they shouldnt be allowed on there to play because of there squeaky voices.but killer fist over here has an obsession with pixealted boobs.ahem your are being kids and having fun.i mean i did when i played my snes the first time i got it and now these kids are happy that they get to talk to there friends and get to play a game they like.and a lot of you are probrably pissed off because these little squeakers are kicking your asses at most of these game anyway:lol:yucky_straw

lol obsession? no just liked the pic:P anyway I agree sort off. i used to play alot of games in the NES/SNES days. but playing games online at that age is a different ballgame imo

You're right. It is a different ballgame (or videogame) when playing online. I too played NES/SNES/GENESIS games when I was a little squirt, but I wasn't interacting with 25 year olds who at anytime could say things that I shouldn't hear. Or pressure me to take part in a unsuitable conversation for a child.

I was playing Mortal Kombat around the time it was causing this commotion in the media about it being too violent for kids. But I turned out fine. And so did my friends who played as well. But I wasn't extremely young either, maybe 13? Even still, kids a lot younger that than were playing it, and I don't think it had any negative effects on them either. It was just a fun game.

And if I had a child, I probably would let them play it too. But not online. I wouldn't want my young child talking to adults on a headset about...well anything.

The movement to censor violence in videogames has kind of died down. Now it's all about sex in videogames. But if these people had any idea what children are really being expose to when playing online, the content in the game would be the last thing on their minds.

censoring sex in video will be no different then them turning on the real world or watching a movie on tv.everywhere they go there going to hear the f word or hear somebody get called a homo.its life dude real as real.if they get kicked offxbox live theyll just turn on mtv and watch someone fighting or cussing at eachother.

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#5 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

i don't know about most of you, but i bought a 360 to play games...not to watch movies...i couldn't care less about the blu-ray add onOfficialBed


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#6 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

About 8 out of 10 matches (sometimes more) there will be a kid playing who has to be less then 11 years old. Last night a gamer named Fenz, who was obviously very young, was being so distracting that the entire team did horrible and we lost.

Don't parents realize that their kids will be playing online with adults? They're exposing their kids to vulgar language, adult conversations, and mature content both with gameplay and online experience.

If I had a child as young as some of these gamers, I definitely wouldn't let them play games online that are rated M for Mature.


dont blame your loss on the fact you were picking on a young kid.

wait mean an online video game is the only way to get vulgar language, adult conversations and mature content? damn might as well get rid of the music censorship, teen tv shows like the hills, rob n big, south park, csi, greys anatomy and etc.

and then your kids are going to go around your back and play them any ways. just be smart enough to teach your kids hey this is fantasy meaning fake dont do it in reality.

finally someone has son brains in this forum. thank you

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#7 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts

I dont hate the idea of having games at a cheaper price, i just hate the way they changed the boxes to gray and slaped a big "Platinum Hits" sign at the top of the box..feels out of place amoungst my other games and thus i am not to fond of it. Just wondering if any of you guys feel the same, or if i am the only one.nbalive4life

its a damn game who cares about the box;your wasting your time even talking about it bro.if you dont like em dont buy em

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#8 patrickhorta87
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i agree with RE4freak
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#9 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts
well to let you know you idiot im 21 years old and its retards like you that i dont play online anymore;the kids never bothered me online it was the other people that complain about all the uselees crap, so ianp-91 get you effin story right before you start spewing a bunch of crap out of your mouth. i believe a saying goes. dont assume because you make an ass out of you and me.but this time you've only made an ass out of yourself.i love how intelligent people are on here. let the effin kids play so what if you dont like it.dont play it;its you damnn people that think you have seniority over little kids because there younger.its actually pretty sad;if you actually have this much time to complain about kids you need a new life buddy
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#10 patrickhorta87
Member since 2008 • 212 Posts
you guys are freakin retarded.a report done by the uk on games.ok losers if their not only seeing violence in video games but tv dont try to ban a bunch of kids from having fun.if you dont want to hear a bunch of kids talk then dont play the damn games.nuf said