I didn't realise it before but one of my fav/ video bloggers Blunty300 made this Lego-Show called MeatSpace & evidentally I spaced on the fact the whole first episode is based on the Wii.
yeah i just read that off of ign so yeah i think they just killed off a good game... they say all that crud then they go and remake re4? saying that uc was too complicated if it was like re 4 on the wii but they go make re 4 on the wii?? eh watever kith_kat
It doesn't take as much effort to port a game to another system. I think Capcom just got lazy. It's a lot easier to make a rail shooter. The ridiculous part is that Resident Evil fans have been playing difficult games for years, and who's most likely to play RE:UC? People who have played the previous games! Capcom just went the quick, easy, and cheep route. Normally I wouldn't care so much, but now I'm concerned that they will never make a truly in-depth, thought provoking, game for the Wii. I hope they wake up soon, and it might just take amazing sales for the Wii version of RE4 to do it.
The Gamecube remake of RE1 is really good. And RE0 is also a lot of scare-inducing fun. However, you have to realize that the controls (especially movement) are going to be a lot different than what you used in RE4. It might actually be better if you rented RE1 or RE0 and try them out before buying one. The games are amazing, but if you can't make the characters move the way you want them too it'll get really annoying pretty fast.
Whatever.. Every major developer from EA to Square is seeing Nintendo's massive success and seriously looking at taking advantage of the Wii's rapidly growing installed base. Nintendo sells 1 million of these things per month and they are sold out everywhere. Next month they are raming up to 1.5 million units per month to help meet consumer demand.
I agree with WizardsKeep on this one. Besides, I'm 23 and I know that after playing WiiSports on my Wii, my parents both ran out and got themselves one. My mother still plays a lot of WiiSports, but my father's favorite game right now is Call of Duty 3.
The Wii is not a little kid's console. Nintendo has designed it to be a family console, a console anybody could play and enjoy. I'm sure that as time goes on, and developers see how wide the demographic of Wii players is, we'll see a nice mixture of all types of gaming genres flooding the Wii market.
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