I came in here looking to find some useful comments and opinions about the PS3. All i get is a lot of people slagging off the excelent 360. If that is the best PS3 owners can do or say i think that the PS3 is either rubbish or you positevely know the 360 is better. I can not judge the PS3 because i have never seen or played one. But one think is sure,i don`t need to slag the PS3 off to make me feel better about my 360. I know the 360 is great and gives me more fun than i ever expected. The PS3 , like i said , i can not possible comment on it. But your putting down of the 360 leads me to believe that there is a lot of disappointed PS3 owners who wish they had bought a 360 and need to come in here to seek comfort in the comments of other disappointed PS3 owners.
skillzdatkillz0 i am just posting this cos u said for me not to post and may i take this opportunity to suggest that u need to find a new place to hire games., Judging by what u said your place is rubbish. I am tired of your GTs this and that. Until Playstation is able to offer games like Halo, Forza or Moto GP your argument is lost. Anyway, enjoy your PS3 and if one day its games get any better ( cos so far all i hear is what its going to have , bla bla bla...) please send us a message and i just might get one. Until then keep dreaming cos that is all u can do. I will not post again cos i just can not be bother with arguing the point with people that judge a console success based on games that r not even yet out. At least i judge with concrete facts --- in other words REALITY not DREAMS. Bye and enjoy your gaming.
Skillzdatkillz0 sorry mate but you wrote so much and said so little. You claimed you prefered the original xbox to the ps2. If that`s the case one thing you should have learnt is that quantity doesn`t mean quality. As far as xbox was concerned it had the best games and when they were released on both ports xbox had the best frame rate and graphics by far. Say what you want but the 360 has the best games and best graphics. I f you are not sure, just you look at the Game Spot scores. For the games released in both ports the 360 comes out tops once again. If you think i am talking rubbish read the Game Spot reviews like i do. As far as Cell and Blue Ray are concerned all i read so far is that they are making developers job very difficult. So far the 360 is still on the lead of the console battles. You also said that the 360 games are getting old . Rubbish once more. Get back to your game shop and just ask for 360 recent releases and up coming releases. Finally never forget what the original xbox taught you , quality is far better than quantity. Bye for now and enjoy your PS3 because i intend to enjoy my 360 and until i am provem wrong ( not by you but by the game developers) i will not buy a PS3.
I dont have a PS3 cos in Europe it`s not yet out. I came in here cos i really wanted to know if the PS3 is worth buying or not. All i read so far is a lot of rubbish from its so called supporters. I really hope when the PS3 finally comes out in europe i find it much better than its fanboys stupid comments and arguments. I own a 360 and as such i can tell u it is a great system. Great games, great graphics and great on-line. I very much hope the PS3 will be as good or y not even better. I am going to buy 1 as well so y want it to be good. I don`t like to wate my money. Get it? Y can`t both systems be different and good? However, whenever i buy the pS3 and go online i really want to avoid the PS3 fanboys. It seems to me they r all narrow minded and have stinky bad attitudes. I CANT WAIT 4 THE PS3 TO COME OUT IN EUROPE. I intended to buy 1 cos Sony is good at making game consoles. Does that mean i am getting rid of my 360 ? Of course not, don`t be stupid, the 360 is just o good to be ignored.
paullondon's comments