I'm thinking of getting one this xmas. I already have a DS lite, but all the awesome games are coming out next year, and I have too much work to do to play them during school hours. I've wanted a PSP for some time now, but......how much longer will it last? Its been out for only 2 years I believe? Shouldn't it last much longer, I hope? any good games on the horizon (besides the awesome ones already out)?
peter1191's forum posts
upon. Giving CNET and gamespot itself more hits wouldn't send the message; we need to show the gaming-companies & websites that we will not stand for such foolishness as bribery. I call for an unofficial vote, as soon as possible, to take place on the site we should migrate too. We should have the most experienced System War's people take control of the masses and begin some sort of migration. If we all agree to get of SW for one week, for example, we'd send a strong message to all involved in the firing of Jeff
Jeff is not exactly my favorite reviewer. Nor gamespot in general. But, to state his honest opinion, and be fired because the company threatened to withdraw its ad campaign (thus money). This is horrible and reveals one fact: up to this point, whether you like gamespot's reviews or not (I don't), they haven't been selling out for money; now they are, and we, sadly, can not consider them a respected reviewer anymore.
Check it out: I have a chance to buy a game for the Ds today. Got SMG for the Wii (awesome game, BTW), so I want another game for my DS. I have Zelda, Castlevania:PoR, NSMB, Metroid: Hunters, and FFIII. What else should I get?
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