peter1191's forum posts
Fanboys from every corner of the internet turn out to bash the console they hate and defend the console that they own. I'm here to turn the tables a bit: bash your own console, and try to look at the good of the competitior. While I have only a Wii and Ds Lite, I'm getting a PSP, and know some info about the pros/cons of each current-gen consoles. So, here is my list on all the pros/cons of this consoles:
Wii: Its new controller threatens the hold tradition of how games are played. Good or bad? Well, a little of both. Since this topic is neither black or white, I can't say if its a pro or con. However, unlike some Nintendo fanboys, I believe graphics are important. Not the most important aspect of a game, but very important nonetheless. The Wii's graphics, while a great improvement over the original Xbox, PS2, and GC graphics, are not up to par with the PS3/360. Will this hurt it? Yes. Not this year, or even the next, but by 2009, PS3/360 graphics will become expected on the market. I am a nintendo fanboy to an extent, so I am wondering how the Wii will fare in those years. But I expect it to dominate this year and next, and come out with impress games like Metroid 3, SSBB, and good 3rd party titles as well.
PS3: I laugh whenever someone says the PS3 will fall. It has a surefire 10 year lifespan, easily outliving its competitors. Plus the PS2's successful games (and huge 100 million person base) will make the PS3 desirable to many, including me. Now, I concide that it will be a failure up until late 2008 or 2009. And I'll even go so far to admit it will not reach the success the PS2 did. Still, 10 years is a lot of time. Yet is massive price tag ($600 my Ass!), its library of games that seem to magically migrate to the 360 (Tekken 6 for example) , and its relative unpopularity as of now will kill sony's wallet for the months to come.
Xbox 360: Everyone says how awesome its library of games is, and its relatively low price tag, and its current success. Everywhere the 360 is expected to be the best console of this generation. Funny, that I disagree. The 360 is behind a curtain of success because it had a year head start. Contrary to name, the 360 is anything but a 360. Its more of the same. Shooters, the best of which is likely to be Halo 3. Its hardware failures, disc scratching, and overall terrible quality makes it my least favorite console in the aspect of lifespan (aka durability), and aesthetic look. Again, its current library will dominate until 2009, meeting effective resistance only from Nintendo later this year, where Halo 3 will have to match blades with SSBB, Mario galaxy, and Metroid 3. Because the PS3 is getting is library sucked dry by the 360, I believe this will be THE console, aside from the Wii, for two more years. I don't believe the PS3 poses a chalenge to it, for now, but the Wii will make headway in games. Sales of each console should not be discussed, because there are too many demographics issues as of now.
DS Lite: Traditionally, Nintendo has released a new handheld/version of a handheld every 4 years. The Ds was released in 2004. Ds Lite just last year. How long does the Ds have to live? Thats up to Nintendo. As for this year into early 2008, the Ds's amazing library will dominate the handheld market. Thats not to say that its all good: the Ds, particularily the Ds Lite, has a touch screen that can't endure much punishment. With future awesome games dependent on the touch screen, it is not unthinkable that the Ds Lite in the future will undergo criticism and countless repairs for this problem. Furthermore, good graphics/multimedia features are becoming more and more a staple of the hanheld market; not just in video games. If nintendo truely wants to reach the casual and hardcore gamers, it needs to be innovative AND include expect features that its consoles need. Nevertheless, I believe the Ds Lite has a good 2 years or even 3 left before its time for Nintendo to move on. Howver, I like to say that it is a impressive handheld that, if not remembered for its sales, should be remembered for introducing innovation to a winding down handheld market.
PSP: I personally am planning to get a PSP within the month. However, that does not prevent me from speaking out agains the weaknesses of this console. It has games that offer little to no innovation: simple ports of the PS2 games. UMDs are useless, and not a format sony should have pushed forward. Music and videos are great: but a way to store them, into playlists for example, has yet to reach the PSP via update. Thats sad, considering this is a basic feature of Mp3. Now, it sounds like I'm being harsh on the PSP. Actually, I like it. Its wide screen, graphically capabilities, and ability to be a multimedia handheld gives it an edge in the market, to the point that is faced off against Nintendo and lived. Remember what I said about sales numbers in the 360 paragraph? Well, the PSP and 360 both aim at a certain demographic: teens to young adults (mostly males). In other words, it is good and right to compare their sales numbers. And what a difference! The 360 has sold 10 million units worldwide. A good number, but thats about the number of PSPs sold in North America alone! Calling the PSP a failure is a downright stupid statement: it has sold 20 million unit. Half of the Ds, but double 360 sales. While handheld and console markets are slightly different, it is still a unusual figure that must be brought up.
If you some how read through that, good for you. Now post brothers, post!!
First off, I want to say that shungokustasu is one of the smartest people on this board based on his posts. But I disagree with his notion that SSBB is not as deep as other fighters. It is easier to pick up to play, prone to button-mashing, and quite different from traditional fighters, but it has its own characteristics that make it deep:
1. Items: Items change the gameplayer dramatically. A battle can completely be changed around thanks to an item of some sort. Items can also leave phycological scars on an opponent. For example, if a player is struck by an exploding box and nearly dies, he will surely be afraid of another box coming his way.
2. No Health: Traditional Fighters deal with health. More damage=closer to death. The same goes for SSBB, but getting kicked off the field is the only way to die, no matter how much damage you take. That makes your positon on the field a much more important factor in deciding whether you live or die.
3. Character Abilities: While other traditional fighters do have characters with special abilities, SSBB takes abilities to a new high. Abilities to fly, fire fireballs, teleport, changes forms, etc., changes SSBB from a normal fighter to a odd, unique one. Balancing and countering various abilities of enemies make SSBB deeper than some give it credit.
Well, I can go on, but I think thats good enough.
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