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phantom4567 Blog

Through the Fire and Flames

I'll tell you guys the meaning of thetitle later, right now I have a bit of sad news, I only got 5 days until school, but its all good, I had a really good summer here on GS, made a lot of friends, participated on tournys, learned new things and features that will help me in the future, etc. Whats sad is that I won't be on GS every day now, you know, the damn problem with tests, quizes and annoying projects? But, somedays I migh procrastinate and be here most of the time:P Really, you won't believe the amount of stress I get everyday at school! It feels like you head wants to explode! At least I know that these 4 months will go like THAT! I will be looking forward to this Christmas, with the upcoming of really awesome games! There are so many that I don't even feel like writing them all

Well, at my Unions, the TPR (The Pokemon Realm Union) is going really well! We made it to 70 members tonight!:D So to those ignorants out there that don't like Pokemon and like to write insulting comments to the fans, you can just f*** off and mind your own damn business, I like Pokemon, so what? Do you care or something? I'm not forcing you to read this, so just keep clicking away...sorry for the outburst:P It was just something I wanted to say.

So on other news, a lot of my friends on vacation right now, but they'll be back soon, and also, I would to give a shoutout to two special people. First one is ChaosRyder665 who's having his B-Day this Sunday and since he won't be here for the rest of the week, I would to congratulate him now, so Happy Early Birthday Chaos!:) The second one is The_Inferno_Man who truly helped me a lot for my homepage and especially for my Union, with your help we can truly make the TPR bigger! Thanks dude, I really appreciate it:D

Okay to the meaning of the title ''Through the Fire and Flames'' is a song by the band DragonForce. Its sort of like a Metal Band, but the singer doesn't sing at all like Metal. This song is very special to me since it shows to never give up, not even on the most hardest events in your life, like they say in the song ''Through the Fire and Flames we carry on...''

On other news, I made it to Lv 15 - Nobunaga's Ambition. I also don't know where that phrase come from:P.Wow, getting more closer to the evil Lv 20, but now when I finished Lv 15 I'm arriving at the glich Levels, which are 16 or 17, that when you immediately arrived at that Lv it jumps you to the next level, now this is the best glitch that GlitchSpot had to offered me:lol: And also, with the Emblems, I'm still not working on them, I'm pretty busy with other stuff like getting my school stuff and working on my Unions.

So on gaming news, I still haven't bough Mario Strikers Charged, I don't have enough money, but pretty soon, I'll buy it! I just want to play it online so BAD! Anyways, hope you're training hard Chaos because I am training too, only one will be victorious, question is, which one? We'll see that next week:twisted:

Well, thats all I have to write uptil now, so enjoy the rest of your summer everyone! To me, its now over, but my time on GS will never be finished!:) Later!;)

Waiting for Fall to come and Farewell

Its been a while since I haven't made a blog, but this time, I got something to write about. The reason that I'm waiting for Fall to come its because of all the awesome games coming - Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mass Effect, GTA IV, Super Mario Galaxy, LOZ: Phantom Hourglass, Rock Band...and more. I'm hoping to get a 360 for Christmas and now my chances are higher because of a rumor that theres gonna be a 360 pricedrop in August, but still, its just a rumor...

Well, about KH2, I already finished it a while ago, sorry that I didn't told you guys sooner, its just that I was all the time fighting Sephiroth, and now I fought him so many times, he's so easy, I can beat him with any keyblade now:P, too bad that the PS2 controller got ****ed up, now I can't fight well, looks like my cousin has to buy another one, don't expect me to waste my money:| Anyway, I finished the game at lv 63 with the Mischiveous Pumpkin Keyblade, its just so strong, I kept it until the final fight, now I have Fenrir, Ohhh yeah!8):D

The farewell part is meant for Rich Gallup who hosted his final On the Spot this Thursday, so now hes leaving GS for ''bigger and better things'', farewell Rich, On The Spot, The Hotspot, Tournament TV and Button Mashing...lets face it, GS won't be the same without you man, good luck with whatever you're gonna do, just come back one day because you'll know we'll really miss ya! Sayonara man!

Anyways, I've been busy all week on GS working on my Unions and everything, its been a long time since I haven't worked to get more emblems, but I'll keep them as it is for now, I got other stuff to do now, so thats pretty much all I have to write uptil now, so enjoy the rest of your summer vacation everyone, later!;)

I'm back and got sunburned!

Well, I got back tonight from the hotel and I was desperately in need of a PC since I haven't used one all weekend, but when I arrived I saw that there was nothing new on GS, and only a few people commented on my last blog, but to others I understand because I know that your Laptops or PCs are broken. I really wanted to stay a few more days in the hotel because it was awesome, nice beaches and pools, good food, I was really having a vacation, but now its just to sit back and wait for school to start:|...thats the sucky part.

Well I'll tell you guys about the hotel. We haved our reservations for a room, but they told me that the hotel was full! WTF! Hello, reservations, what the hell are they made for anyway? But then came the good news that since our whole family was going to stay at the hotel too, they gave us sort of like a suite or apartment, complete with TVs on all rooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a balcony with an awesome view of the ocean! I was like Hell Yea:lol: At that time, there was a convention at the hotel and since we had invitations we could go, but it was hella full, I grew tired saying ''excuse me'' all the time:P! At least there was a lot of entertaining booths like PCs with wireless Internet, free tropical food, and even a Nintendo Wii Booth. I wanted to show my skills to everyone,but it was full of little kids and I didn't wanted them to cry after being massacred by a pro like me at Wii Sports8):P. Meh, I didn't wanted to play anyway so I continued walking. Saturday, we took a boteto a private Island owned by the hotel and I gotta say, the beach was awesome, with clean sand and big waves. I also got sunburned there, my whole back is swollen because of the damn sun. Nobody told me that we brought sunscreen, why don't they tell me anything?:|:P. After that it was sleeping atthe hotel, going to different restaurants andpools and then it was check-out time and now here I am! That was pretty much it!

Well, tonight I can't give you guys a KH2 update since I had to return the PS2 to my cousin since I was going away for the weekend, so now I have to go to his home to play the game:?, but hey whatev. its his PS2 and I can't do anything about it, but I promise that tomorrow I will give you the update (for those who care about it anyway) The only thing that i can remember right now is that I'm lv 46 and with the Mischiveous Pumpkin Keyblade (from Halloweentown). I think I wrote this on my last blog, but whatev, I'm telling it again...

Ok only 15 more days till school starts, what are good games coming before school? Oh yeah, Mario Strikers Charged for the Wii! Its gonna be an awesome soccer game and its online, that'll entertain me for the last days, later on its Christmas and games like SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy, Halo 3, GTA IV, and RES: Umbrella Chronicles will be on my list! This falls gonna kick ass!:P

Thats all I have to write uptil now, still hoping tomorrow's gonna be brand new day full of fun and excitement, but I'm getting was ahead of myself:P, so later!;)

See y'all on Monday!

Well, I'm not leaving now, its 5AM over here!, but you already know why I'm leaving today! What the hell, I'll tell it again - I'm going to a fancy hotel with my family to spend my last days of vacation (16 days and counting:cry: ). I won't be back til Monday, so I won't be here all the time, I may connect using my Dads laptop or the hotels PCs, but thats gonna be very hard!:?

Sadly, I couldn't finish KH2 before leaving, now I won't get to play it all weekend:?, but I'll tell you my updates anyway: I'm level 46 with the Mischiveous Pumpkin Keyblade (from Halloweentown). I'm equipped now with a LOT of abilties...I feel that I can take on the world all by myself:P...J/K. I'm not that good anyway. On Monday I'll face Sephiroth, It'll be a most challenging battle and I'm looking forward to it!, but first, I got to beat Xemnas, he'll be pretty weak, most of the final bosses of every games are pretty easy:P

I noticed that a lot of my friends PCs or Laptops are breaking down, at the same week!:? That sucks that I can't even talk to them anymore for a while, especially when my vacations are almost, this summers's been pretty boring to me:?....I don't care, since its going to be over in aprox. 2 weeks anyway....*sigh*

Well, thats pretty much all I have to write til today, so since I'm going away for a full weekend, I'm packing my DS Lite, a couple of GBA games, sadly, I couldn't bring my Wii, but I don't care, at least I have my Ipod to keep me company, also, I'm uploading new songs to it to entertain me more. Ipod - best music player alive:D Later! See y'all on Monday!;)

Doing this for no reason...

Looks like I have no choice, but in order to get more members and activity in my Union, I gotta say it, Come on, come all, join the Pokemon Realm Union! You won't regret it! Well since almost nobody likes Pokemon anymore,I thought advertising was pointless! But I did it, so if theres anyone interested, go here and see for yourself. We don't get much posting in our threads and front page news, so we need more menbers.We got tons of games, and also our new Pokemon of the Week feature. Later in the future, when we get enough members, we'll be hosting our first Union Tournament! So stay active if you want to participate...

We're also in need of 3 moreOfficers in our Union since we only have 2 (one left GS and didn't even resigned his position:|) If you love Pokemon and you're interested in an application, go here for more details, Its really important that you read the first post, then you'll know what to do....

Anyway, I've been playing KH2 all night and as of now, I'm in level 26 and in Pride Lands, with the Follow the Wind Keyblade (from Port Royal) and I'm increasing my team and Sora's abilities as I keep proccesing in the game. I can't wait to battle Sephiroth, thats one of the main reason I bought the game in the first place:P, it only cost 20$.

Well, besides playingKH2, things have been really boring here, I'm really interested in becoming a PLU Officer right now, I love Pokemon and would love to be a Gym Leader of the Union, but thats pretty far way til now, Its really hard to have all that Pokemon at once. So if you guys need any help with the PLU, you know who to PM:P!

I said it before and I'll say it again, remember guys that I won't be online all weekend til Monday because I'm going to a hotel with my family for my last weeks of vacation. Thats pretty much all I have to write since not much's going on this time, later;)

New Icon and other news

Heyyy everybody! Sorry that I haven't been these last two days. I'm busy playing Kingdom Hearts 2, and its awesome! Totally what I've expected from a Square Enix game! I don't got much to write, so I'll write my KH2 updates, don't read if you want to, I don't care, I'm just writing it to let you know how I'm doing...

Well for starters, I got the game Monday and played itfor a short time since I was hella tired, but right now I'm in Port Royal, lv 22, with the Monochrome Keyblade (from Timeless River), might be an ugly looking Keyblade but its pretty powerful:P. I'm more of a sword-fighting guy than a magic one. I only use magic for reflect and cure, thats the only thing thats useful to me. Donald can take care of the rest...I always use AP Boost on all my team since their abilities are pretty good. Right now, Soras abilties that I got equipped are Sliding Dash, Aerial Spiral, Experience Boost, Reaction Boost....and a lot more since I don't feel like turning on the PS2 now:P Support abilties are really helpful, but some are pretty weird, but hey, you customize the way you want, so its your problem. I can't wait to fight Sephiroth, and maybe I'll make a vid of the fight, but its pretty hard since I only got a webcam and my TV's hanging in the roof:?

Also, I got the Pie/Cake Emblem, sadly this emblem is only temporary, so if you're looking for one, ignore this one, but if you want to know how to get it anyway, feel free to comment on my blog or PM me, I'll gladly tell you. My emblems keep dissapearing, first it was the tagger leader emblem, but as you see, it came back. But today, my GC Aficionado emblem dissapeared, I hopeGamespot fix these damn glitches..but hey, it isn't nicknamed GlitchSpot for nothing:)

Well, if you saw my blog title, yup, look at my new avatar, beleive it or not its from Naruto, it doesn't have anything to do with the Anime, because that pic is called ''Dark Kyuubi'' so someone made it up, but they did an awesome job! To some, it may startled you at first:lol:. I got a knack of uploading scary icons, its pretty fun and I like buggin you guys, feel free to PM me and comment about it, I appreciate it;) I might change the icon again since I saw other good looking ones, but for the rest of this month, I'll have this for now...

So remember guys, I won't be here this weekend, if you read my last blog, I'm going to a hotel with my family for vacation, and I won't be here Friday til Monday! Thats all I got uptil now, later;)

3 Weeks and 3 days left...

Thats right, I got only 3 more weeks and 3 daysuntil my vacations are over, damn, this summer just went by incredibly fast. This means that I'm going to get back to the daily stress I have every school day. You know, thinking about homework, always procrastinating, sleeping a lot, studying at the last day for an exam...I can't live with that, just thinking that I'm going to back to that just makes my head want to explode, but whatever, at least I had fun for a little while this 2 months.

So now I'm doing what I promised to you all, collecting lots and lots of emblems:P. I finally got my GC Aficionado Emblem, I've done so much work this weekend in GS, and now I'm working for the Tagger King Emblem, its really hard, but I'm almost there. I'm an emblem collector, so now you know that:P So tomorrow is one of my big days. I'm getting Kingdom Hearts 2 tomorrow!:D I don't have a PS2, but my little cousin has, so I can play it, lets just hope the game isn't back ordered, that means that the shop already told the ''source'' that the game is sold-out and now they're waiting for new copies...ohhh boy, I'll get really pissed if that happens:evil:...

Also, I wanted to say that I'm not gonna be here this weekend, I'm staying at a fancy beach hotel with my family, you know, to enjoy the fresh air, the blue sea, the shining sun of summer? At least that counts as a vacation trip:P So, sorry if you guys need me this weekend, but I'm not gonna be here, I'll be back Monday. But remenber, I'll be here til Thursday.

Yay for me for making it to Lv. 14 - Ring King - I'm almost there to the glitch levels. Also double yay for me that this is my 30th blog. Boy have I been writing a lot:P

I'm still crazy about the thought of getting back to school, but I'll know that it'll be over pretty fast, and we have A LOT of must-buy games for Christmas, I'm really looking forward to that! Enjoy the rest of your summer guys, later!;)

Friday the 13th, Mario Galaxy and Zelda News

Well, today is one of the most ''famous'' days of the year. Friday the 13th, or ''bad-luck day''. First, I don't even know how this thing started, but I think I heard it on the Bible, very weird, but this is the day most people would like more to stay home rather than go outside to exercise, or even go to work. Maybe as a coincidence, bad things may have happened in this day, like car crashes, blackouts, killings, but to me, this day is a regular day, just like every other day of the year...I don't believe in bad luck, but sometimes I do, maybe because of some stupid embarrasing things happening all in one day:P, but I'm not supersticious like some people out there, if you're reading this, don't listen to other people saying bad things about this day. Just continue the day just like every other.

Well, following the second title of this blog, Nintendo has told many exciting things about Super Mario Galaxy coming for the Nintendo Wii this November 12, 2007. Its has some pretty decent graphics and maybe it could the ''worthy'' sequel to Super Mario 64. Maybe...or maybe not? we'll see this fall, hopefully it'll be! They showed pictures of some new levels, enemies, maybe bosses...but Shigeru Miyamoto promises to be a really good game...

Zelda Phantom Hourglass coming for the Nitendo DS this October 1st, 2007 will be the continuation of Zelda Windawker with googly-eyed Link and Zelda...pardon, Tetra. Mostly all the game will be controled by the stylus. Tapping into treasure chests to open them, mark the trajectory you want your boomerang to follow, mark important places in your map that you gotta go and not forget about it, and tap the road that you want your Link to go, to me its an excellent use of the DS Touch Screen. Also, the game is surprisingly very long for a DS game, no wonder, because its Zelda we're talking about:P Miyamoto was also pretty excited because possibly a ''new'' Zelda game for the Wii will be created soon...whio knows? Looks like we gotta wait then for the evidence.

Also, I would like to give thanks to Sith_Fisto who's making me a new sig. for myself and I greatly appreciated, you should also see some of the works she has done to ChaosRyder665's homepage! Trust me, shes really a pro in making them!

So thats all I got until now, this is not a bad day, so happy Friday the 13th, later!;)

E3 Conferences, Thoughts and more...

Well, as of now, E3 has been awesome, with lots of people playing new games, announcements of new totaly awesome games, release dates, etc., but everybodys right, E3 07 doesn't seem like the E3 of last year, last year was like the party of the year, you know?, but now they're holding the conferences with closed doors, away from the public, but at least we get to saw them thanks to GS cameras (thank you for that;))

Virtually There: E3 2007 Microsoft Conference. Virtually There: E3 2007 Nintendo Conference Virtually There: E3 2007 Sony Conference.

Well, now I got to tell how every conference was held and was my thoughts and everything, and this time I'm not gonna keep it under a spoiler, since all three conferences were already held.

Microsoft E3 07 Conference: It was pretty good, but not that good. At the beggining, they told the percentage of how much the Xbox360 has sold, and also how many people today use Xbox Live.Most of all Xbox 360 fans wanted to hear more of Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV, but to Halo 3, they only showed two new trailers and the newly announced Halo-themed Xbox360, so to those hardcore halo fans, if you see those, you might be interested, but I gotta admit, its pretty ugly:? To Gta IV they showed nothing, only the second trailer again we saw a couple of weeks ago.They also announced Gears of War for the PC! and also games like Viva Pinata, Naruto: Rise of Ninja, Mass Effect...They finally showed gameplay to Assasins Creed, which I mentioned in my last blog that it is a really awesome game and someday maybe in the future, I hope I get it. Watch the video here to see more...

Nintendo E3 07 Conference: Pretty boring the first 15 minutes because Reggie just kept talking about how many Wiis and DS were sold last year and this year, the percentage of people playing Wii regularly, how many women play their products, and so on-and-on. They kept showing montages of news that Wii selling out worldwide, Wii used as a medical cure, Wii as great exercise.....Then, they announced the new controller for those who like first-person shooter games like Resident Evil or Ghost Squad, the Wii-Zapper, kinda like a crappy name, but I don't care! Its a great gun controller that you attach the Wiimote plus the Nunchuck and now you can really shoot the zombies or enemies like in real life, not saying that zombies exist or anything:P, then they announce release dates for upcoming popular games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, and the unexpected announced Mario Kart Wii coming the first quarter of 2008. Nintendo is now focusing more on online games, now thats really good news. News about online games like NCAA Football 08, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Strikers Charged. They announce Wii Fit, which is fun for the whole family and I know that this is going to be a huge-seller, no matter how many people criticize it..Watch the video here to see more...

Sony E3 07 Conference: Actually pretty good, even for Sony. They told eveything about Playstation 3 and his history. We already know about the price drop and the newly developed PS3 with 80GB, plus bundled with the MotorStorm game.They were also focused on the PSP. They announce PSPs with different colors , and one with a Star-Wars theme look. They also announced the new PSP, with longer battery power, lighter screen, faster loading time...but they should call it the upgraded PSP, because theres nothing new about it...They showed the PS3 home, creating your avatar, and exploring everything the company has created just for us, its pretty good. Announce games like Resident Evil 5, KillZone, Ratchet & Clank, Metal Gear Solid, sadly its only for the PS3, and its also the last of the series, the creator actually said it. They also talked about combining Blu-Ray with the PS3 was a huge success. Watch the video here to see more...

BTW, sorry if you can't see some of the videos, its not my fault, its the daily New Video Player bugs, and I can't do anything about it, hope GS fix this problems soon...

BTW, I didn't get the NintendoE3 07Conference Emblembecause I overslept and I missed it, hell even the alarm clock couldn't wake me up!, but I did managed to get the Sony one, then after that I saw the rerunof theNintendo Confer.. So thats all I got and uptil now, E3 has been awesome, hope we get to see more this week, later;)

E3 07 Microsoft Conference

Well, my bud ChaosRyder665 and me watched the Microsoft Conference just now. It was pretty good, they showed tons of new games, but the problem is that they showed so many games, that I couldn't keep track of them:|. I mean so many games, almost all of them in one little time:P. There have been a lot of rumors on GS that there wasn't going to be any emblems awarded for watching any of the different companies's conferences, so we kind of got a little upset, but boy were they wrong:D:P Check out my Emblems...

Virtually There: E3 2007 Microsoft Conference.

I went to my homepage after the video conference was over and look what I found! Isn't it beautiful? And I'm also going to get the last 2, both the Nintendo and Sony one, but notice that I'm not doing it for the emblems, I'm doing it to see the all kinds of newgames they're going to presentate:D

I'm going to tell a few games they showed on the Conference now:

[spoiler] They showed thousands of game like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and thats going to be a good game. Lots of arcade games that everybody likes like sudoku, chess, lot of old rpg games, etc. This night, movies like Deja Vu, The Emperors's New Groove, The Queen, The Waterboy, Atlantis, American Pie....will all be available to download on Xbox live. They showed gameplay of Assasin's Creed which is a really awesome game and I hope to get in the future, sadly they didn't show gameplay to Halo 3, but they showed a new trailer at the end and it was awesome and the game its just around the corner. Guitar Hero III will be an awesome game due to its online capacities and it will feature good songs by really popular rock bands. I won't tell everything that happened in the conference so if you want to know any more, just watch the video conference and enjoy! [/spoiler]

So this has been a pretty good night so far, looking forward to watch the Nintendo and Sony Conferences, too bad they're so damn early:? So congrats to all who got the emblem and keep enjoying E3 all this week! Later!;)