Yo heard right, I'm looking for a pro that can make me a banner, or someone that can teach me how to make one, I laredy asked some of my friends. One is a pro, but his PC broke down and he can't help me, so please anyone I know or someone who just read this for no reason and doesn't know me, can you do me that favor? Its been like 5 months since I'm here on GS, and I desperately need a banner, thanks!;)
phantom4567 Blog
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass DS
by phantom4567 on Comments
Well, I was gonna get out of GS for the day, and then on the news on the GS homepage, I saw a preview for the first Zelda game for the Nintendo DS - Legend Of Zelda, Phantom Hourglass. It looks like the game arrived in Japanese streets, and GS got the first look at it, you know, at the import version...
It looks like the game is the continuation of Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, with googly-eyed Link and Zelda (Tetra) continue their adventure on their pirate ship full of minions...
And it looks like I was not dissapointed, the game has a well organized stylus use, that you just tap the location you want your Link to go and I think, according to the info and video you just slash the screen with the stylus and Link will do a sword flick. With enemies, you just tap them with the stylus and Link will go to them, sort of like a lock-on. That also works on items and treasure chests and you'll also hear the classic four tone everytime you get an item (ta -ra-ra-RAH!):lol:.
Looks like this game is gonna be awesome, and its gonna come the fourth quarter of the year (hopefully around Christmas:D) I've been a big fan of Zelda games for years, and I started on the Windwaker and now on the Twilight Princess, I didn't like goggly-eyed Link, he looked really weird, but still theres that Zelda adventure feeling you get from every Zelda game. I'm gonna get it, and hopefully, you guys too, later!;)
Me, Back!
by phantom4567 on Comments
You saw right! I'm back from the tourny! It was good, but not pretty good, I had a really bad day, I couldn't get the bowling ball to get the right hook (curve) to make it to the pocket (main center pins in order to make a strike). I moved all the time to diffrent positions and still couldn't get it!:?
Well, at least I won first place in the bowling tourny
Well, I played four consecutive games and I scored on the first one 122 (really bad one), then in the second, a 175 (my regular scores), then in third 183 (my highest one of the day) and then in the fourth one, I don't know what happened, if I was tired or dodn't want to play anymore becuase I bowled a 138 (another bad one). Add all that and you get 620 and divide it by 4 and you get 155 - my average point of the game - which really sucks:| So at the end of the day, I got 10th place (ohhh man...)
Then I had a really long road trip on the way home, I had a really good sleep on it! So now here I am, and I'm wide awake:P
Anyway, check out these twoawesome video I founds, they're both about the same thing and song, but theres different sequences in each one, just pick one, or you can watch both of them:P
And tomorrow is the arrivalof Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii. Hopefully, I will get it tomorrow because I'm dying to play it!Thats all I'm writing until now. sorry that I haven't been posting much in the TPR, I'll try to beonlinethe rest of the month, later!;)
What's Up?
by phantom4567 on Comments
Heyyy everybody, looks like already one month has passed, damm how time flies, so since now almost everybody is finishing school, what are your plansfor the summer?, I'm not going on a trip or anything, we decided to rest this summer. So 'mayorly I'm going to be here all the time in GS, almost all of my friends are going on a trip, so looks like I'm going to be alone all June, meh, don't worry, you guys' will be back soon
So, what games do you want for the summer, I know some of them aren't goin to arrive before July, but they're still on my summer list. Here are the game I'm going to haveor might be getting :
1. Super Smash Brothers Brawl Release: TBA 2007
Reason: Its gonna be the best Wii game of all time, and its Frkin awesome! Come on, who doesn't like this game?? Its always gonna be #1 on my list.
2. Pokemon Battle Revolution Release: June 25, 2007 (This Monday)
Reason: I like Pokemon, and I can transfer Pokemon from my DS to this game, although is not gonna have a story, It'll still be Awesome! Plus, its online!
3. Mario Strikers Charged Release :July 30, 2007
Reason: Don't know, I already have the first one for the Gamecube, I think its because its online, plus new characters...
4. Super Mario Galaxy Release: TBA 2007
Reason: I love Mario games, and since its the first Mario only game for the Wii, I gotta have it!
5. Megaman Star Force: Leon, Pegasus,Leo and Dragon Release: Sep 4, 2007
Reason: Didn'tanybody knew? I love Megaman! Since Battle Network was over in the GBA, they upgraded the game with new characters, a new megaman and for the DS! BTW, I couldn't find the Pegasus one, I think they deleted it or something,,,
6. Brother In Arms DS: Already Released
Reason: I like some of the war games created, I didn't know one was made for the DS, so when I saw the game video, I thought that the graphics are awesome! I might be getting one soon...
7. Mario Party 8 Already Released
Reason: I don't know if I'm getting this game or not, that's why is athe bottom of my list.I'm getting pretty tired of Mario parties since its the same thing! , but at least the minigames are always interesting, and you can also use your Mii on some minigames.
Metroid Prime Corruption doesn't interest me (No offense to all Metroid fans). Well these are the games I want up to this point. If you all love Brawl, then good luck in getting it! This game is a must have for EVERYONE who has a Wii, hope you guys get also Battle Revolution, so we can battle every time!
BTW, I'm not going to be online tomorrow, I have a Bowling tournament on a city far away, so I probably won't get online until like 9:30 pm, so Later!;)
Officer Job Interviews
by phantom4567 on Comments
Yeah, our Union called the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Union needs more officers, it may look like we got enough when you look at it in the first place, but the true thing is, only NBAmaster30, who is our leader, blueflamedino and me, who are Officers, are the only ones posting topics and Updates! So if you're interested, feel free to PM me or the leader. We need people who are dedicated to their responsobilities, like posting entertaining topics, keeping control of everybody (like spamming, trolling...)
We're also looking for people who are artists that can create userbars, tags, and also create a bar identifying each update, for example: Union News, SSBB Dojo Updates, Weekly Update. Our Union is going nowhere,only 3 charter members are only working (the ones shown above) and everybody who joined, its like they joined for no reason, they never comment, make new topics, or anything! We busted our **ses working in this Union, and you guys don't care! Come on, guys don't be like that! We appreciate every help that you can give us...
So, if you're interested in taking the Job, PM me or the leader, and tell us what you can do for our Union, also if you know someone who isa great artist, tell us right away! We really need those guys right now! Later! and thanks for everybody joing our Union!;)
What a hell of a day!
by phantom4567 on Comments
Sooo I'm back from the doctors. It was a long boring day, first we started the day with breakfast, then we found out that the doctor won't arrive until 10:00am and we were there at like 8:30am. At least they were showing these classic Pixar movies like Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo! Thank goodness that I brought my Ipod!
When it was my turn, the doctor checked the ''scar'' on my back and he wanted to move my fingers, jump until he says stop and sit and stand, it was pretty embarrasing, but I laugh while doing it, it was pretty fun.... He just wanted to find out if the sack or my back has affected any of my bone movements and everything. Good news, the scar is nothing more than a stretch mark! It happens to everyone so there is nothing to worry about:D
Next came the sack in my arm, I went to another hospital to take my X-Rays. I was stuck there waiting for two hours (again, thanks Ipod;)), but sitting behind me was a girl patient with Down Syndrome, she was annoying me with her claps and screams, but at the same time, I felt bad for her, you know...I went to the X-RAY and you know what happens next if I want to take my X-Rays, if you don't know, PM me and I'll tell you! This was the most hellish part of the day:|.
I'll get my plaques next week and hopefully the sack isn't growing a bit, so lets hope for the best! Anyway, it feels glad to be back! I'll see you guys anywhere, but not right now, I'm way tired, so I'm going to takea nap! (sorry guys can you blame me?)later!;)
Going to the Doctors Tomorrow...
by phantom4567 on Comments
Yep, I'm going to the doctors tomorrow and I'll probably won't be online until 3:30pm. I'm going for two reasons:
1. They're going to check my tumor that I got in my right arm (don't worry, it doesn't have cancer, so I will be fine), its just that they're gonna check if its growing or not, if its growing, eventually, I'll feel it, and then I'm going to have to do surgery so they can take it off.
2. I got this sort of a weird scar on the center ofmy back, that it happened by streching that it LITERALLY ripped the skin, or it happened because I always sit on my back and it caused so much pressure that it formed a scar. So they're going to check it, but the Doctor told my Mom yesterday that its nothing to worry about (hope that he's right:?)
I'll tell you guys all about it tomorrow when I arrived. That's it. Hopefully everything is going to be fine, and I hope to be online sooner than you think, Later!;)
Join the Pokemon Realm Union!
by phantom4567 on Comments
You heard right! I helped build this Union. In here, we talkeverything about Pokemon, the battles, information on the games and Anime! With our leader ChaosRyder665, this union will go all the way! We just build it so we don't have much info now, but once you join, our Union will grow rapidly in the future.
Also, be sure to visit the Welcome and Introduce Yourself Thread. We love to see the hobbies and what kind of games every fellow recruit has in the Union. If you're interested, go to my Unions and you'll find it! I hope y'all have a great time there! And have a great summer playing Pokemon Diamon/Pearl.
Remember, Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii will arrive next Monday, so be sure to pick it out! Later!;)
GS is getting pretty glitched up...
by phantom4567 on Comments
Man, GS is getting pretty glitched up! First, I can't see my new user image, I see my old userimage of Mario, but I changed it to a Bleach photo, recently I discovered that I can't see it, but you guys can! Don't know why, another stupid Gamespot glitch. Now, my Tagger Dabbler Emblem dissapeared. You know, the emblem with the capital D on it? And also, in some days, it takes you a long time to post a message, like it takes up to 4 seconds for a letter to appear! On top of that, not only I'm getting glitches, but my Internet is breaking down, I have a pefect connection and it won't go to another webpage I clicked! There's also a common glitch that when an Union sends you an Union telegram, you might get two of the same message! Wonder when GS is gonna fix this!
Also, about the new GS video player, it also has glitches, like the video suddenly stops when you're in the middle of watching On the Spot, or another user video and it tells you ''you want to restart the video''? And also, I don't know if you can or can't rewind the video to a part you like, seems to me like if you missed that part, you gotta restart the video and watch it all over again. I'm starting to miss the old video player, it was small, but at least you were able to watch anything you like with no problem!
I'm getting really annoyed about these problems, especially when I have a WI-FI tourny coming next week! Hope GS can get rid of these annoying glitches as soon as possible. So, what do you guys think?
For those of you wondering, I already know that my Dabbler Emblem came back! Thank goodness!, lets hope that that was my last glitch, I don't want any more messing up my day....
Man, I can't stop sleeping!
by phantom4567 on Comments
Well, I don't know what's wrong with me, but now is 4:38AM and I'm not even a little bit tired. Frequently, I get tired when is almost 6 in the morning, and them I'm suppposed to wake up at 2 in the afternoon (you know a human needs aprox. 8 hours of sleep each day), but this day I woke up at 5:38 IN THE AFTERNOON, it means that I woke up when the sun is setting. I get pissed when I wake up at those hours becuase I missed almost the entire daytime. Even the alarm clock can't wake me up!....:?
Now my Mom has decided that she will wake me up at almost noon, but she is gonna have a hard time because at those hours, I can't even get out of bed. I hope my problem will be over before back to school, because if its not over, lets face it, school will be a tragedy.
Anyways, sometime I will go to bed, so how's summer for eveyone? You'll stay in GS all summer or are you going on a trip with your family? I'll stay on GS all summer, so you'll find me most of the time here...Later;)
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