phantomtech85 Blog
E308: The Press Conferences
by phantomtech85 on Comments
Presentation wise nothing impressed me, pretty much same as the last few years or so. As far as software it had a good showing. Here are some of the games that caught my eye.
Yes, Gears of War 2. Very excited for this sequel, especially for the multiplayer. It's now 5 v 5, obviously not a big upgrade from 4 v 4 but I'll take it. Secondly, Resident Evil 5, now having online co-op should be a huge drawing point, not to mention it looks great(Good to finally see some gameplay). Also looking forward to Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise, a fan of the first game. Who doesn't enjoy playing with nice flurry breakable pinatas? Although I don't know much about the series, Fallout 3 from Bethesda looks mighty fine. A 100 hours of gameplay really does define longevity. Fable 2 is on my radar as well.
So now I get why Microsoft didn't release a Spring update, they plan on changing the whole dashboard interface completely. That announcement through me for a loop. Avatars? This is something I can get use to, but they are clearly trying to capitalize off the success of the miis. Speaking of blindsides, FFX 13 on 360, never thought I'd see the day.
Out of the 3 conferences Sony was the most visually pleasing from a production standpoint much like last year. Other then that it could of been better, their weren't many games that raised any eyebrows for me. Actually the new downloadable game Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty (Can't say it with a straight face) and God of War III trailer had me interested, as well as the Little Big Planet/PowerPoint presentation that Jack Tretton did, cool idea. A lot of PSP stuff...sigh. Honestly, Sony's conference wasn't very memorable and I can barely remember any of the other games. Oh yeah, MAD, Resistance and Infamous were good ones, but not really interested. 80GB PS3 for $400? sounds good to me.
The new host, forgot her name, did a decent job and was pretty enthusiastic. She and Reggie would make a great duo. As for the show, it kept my attention with all the peripheral antics. Wii Fit, Wii Sports: Resort, Wii Music, Animal Crossing was nice. But no new Zelda, Metroid in the works for those hardcore fans? Where's Project H.A.M.M.E.R. that was shown at E3 2006? What gives? Throw us a bone Nintendo. Maybe next year.
From software lineup to noteworthy announcements, Microsoft had the best conference in my opinion. The rest were alright, but didn't leave a lasting imprint.
A Suggestion to Gamespot for Future E3 events.
by phantomtech85 on Comments
Small Update From Your Friendly Neighborhood...Person?
by phantomtech85 on Comments
This is probably the longest I've gone without making a blog. First of all, I want to apologize for my lack of effort to post in your (Friends) blogs, I Just haven't had the urge to come to Gamespot. I find myself visiting other sites and playing on XBL a lot more often. It has nothing to do with the changes that were made, staff or community, just not addicted like I used to be. Anyway I'd like to update you all on what's been happening in my life. I'm currently in the middle of registering for fall courses at the school of my choice, Normandale Community College in Minnesota. It's been a long time coming since I took so much time off. I'm excited and nervous at the possibilities of dipping my feet in the college experience and getting my future career realized, can't wait.
As far as my getting in shape for the summer deal, well it's a bust. Unfortunately I didn't go through with my goal of losing 20-30 lbs, the temptation (The Force) of junk food and the unwillingness to motivate myself was too strong. That's what exercising at home can do to you sometimes. I think the next time I start again, I'll go to a fitness center with actual trainers nearby. For the sake of great Television programming, I purchased season 3 of Battlestar Galactica, if you haven't seen this masterpiece of a series then I suggest, no, I DEMAND you go out and buy it, no regrets. Happy Belated 4th of July.
Also, big ups to my favorite NBA player Kevin Garnett on finally reaching his goal of winning a championship. Boston is lucky to have such a passionate and hard working player. I will certainly miss him on the Timberwolves, just glad and proud he has a ring.
GTA IV & Getting In Shape for the Summer.
by phantomtech85 on Comments
Guess I received something after all for my birthday. In the form of GTA IV (Xbox 360), along with a 2GB Flash MP3 player and the 4th season of Martin. Purchased by mother of course. Can't wait for the weekend to come. Multiplayer anyone? Also decided to get into shape this summer. I've put it off for too long and want to get my body conditioned. A few days ago I dusted off this treadmill we bought from our next door neighbors before they moved, it's been nearly 2 years since. For the next 2 months I plan on exercising an hour plus a day, my goal is to lose at least 20-30 pounds from my current weight of 220. Prior to starting, I was not in the best of shape, I couldn't even do a single push up. Now that's pathetic and I consider myself a pretty strong guy. I think the hardest part of this will be resisting temptation to certain junk foods. Must eat right if I want to succeed in losing weight. Anyways, wish me luck.
Real or Fake?
by phantomtech85 on Comments
Kobe Bryant's car stunt. You decide.
In my opinion, I highly doubt that was real. I know Kobe is a great athlete, but why risk great injury by jumping over a moving car? If something went wrong (assuming it's real) that could potentially end his career or worse. Plus the Lakers are nearing the playoffs, and front office management wouldn't stand for reckless behavior like that. And of course, Lakers without Kobe in the playoffs against a very tough western conference = possible first round exit.
Glad I Switched...
by phantomtech85 on Comments
From Comcast cable Internet to Qwest DSL. Why? because I could never keep up with the payments of my old service. But with Qwest, they offer a wireless modem with a built in router (Something I've been wanting), and it's cheaper. And on top of that, I've had the same phone service (Qwest) from the beginning so both the phone and Internet bills are connected. Honestly, as a first time DSL user I was concerned that it would appear to be much slower compared to cable. Lucky for me, the difference in speed is not really noticeable. Maybe when I start downloading though.
Forgot to mention, any minute now I should be receiving a new cell phone via UPS delivery. Also from Qwest. What a surprise.
Another thing, I beat Eternal Sonata for the second time, didn't get one damn achievement. The developers should ve made them easier.
Call it, Friendo.
by phantomtech85 on Comments
No Country for Old Men is a 2007 American thriller film written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, starring Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, and Javier Bardem. Adapted from the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name, No Country for Old Men tells the story of a drug deal gone wrong and the ensuing cat-and-mouse drama, as three men crisscross each other's paths in the desert landscape of 1980 West Texas.
A buddy of mine as been urging me to see No Country For Old Men since the release in theaters, so I finally watched it last night. It left me speechless. The plot was nicely paced, and the characters well suited for their roles in this particular setting. Especially the villain played by Javier Bardem, who was magnificent as a psychopathic killer, easily deserved to win best supporting actor. However I was a bit surprised when told that their is no musical score, but the way this film was directed the music would have almost been a distraction to the reality of certain moments throughout. It just goes to show how a movie can be immersive without music. Now I know some people may think NCFOM is boring, drawnout and that the ending lame, but if you really think about the message this film presents, you realize all the little things that went on had reasoning, but it can be hard to catch for some. Even though this sty1e of film(Somewhat western like) usually isn't my cup of tea, it's still quality at it's best, and that's hard to deny. Best film I've seen in recent memory.
Uncertainty In My Career Path.
by phantomtech85 on Comments
It's hard discovering the right path to your life's dream, well in my case anyway. You see, I have yet to go to college and it pains me to the core that I didn't go right after High School (Class of 2003). So 5 years later at the age of 22 going on 23, I'm figuring out what I truly want out of life. They're a variety of career choices I'd love to indulge in, but confused in which one. I've thought of being in the film industry, from acting to directing. You all know I appreciate a quality film particularly with great storytelling, production and cinematography. The amount of ideas in my head are endless and tapping further into my potential in film is a great opportunity. When it comes to Music I'm a die hard fan, whether it's Rock, Jazz, Hip hop, Techno, Orchestral/Classical, or all of the above, I love it. Even as a young teenager I would be the kid in school that would always find himself pounding his fists and fingers on the desk just waiting for the students and teachers to tell him to stop...sorry My bad! Hell, even my mom got sick of it after a while. My point is maybe it's a sign that this field of work is the right path for me. It's something that I have great passion for, and can create extraordinary pieces music. A Music Producer perhaps?? I don't know.
Art has always had a soft spot in my heart, as well as Videogames. In my opinion, Art and Games go hand in hand despite what some may say. Both are in the same realm in terms of the creative process involved as well as talent level to make the best piece of content possible. Animators, Concept Artists, Programmers, Graphic Designers, etc.
Hmmm...? just had a thought. What about combining all 3 of these careers into one? This video might be a perfect example. FYI: I didn't make this.
When the dust has settled I want to be known as a mad scientist with a flurry of unique ideas in multimedia and then bringing them to life through hard work. I think the only thing standing in my way is me and my fears of failure. I respect the people that aren't afraid to fail and go full force towards their dreams. That's something I want to accomplish in life, knowing I can succeed with a few bumps and bruises along the journey but still keep going without skipping a beat.
I've Caught the Sick Bug.
by phantomtech85 on Comments
The other night while watching TV, my throat felt weird but never thought much of it. As soon as I woke up, my whole neck was sore and throat swollen. Not only that but I think I may have a slight fever too, so right now I'm feeling like crap. I took some medicine and it seems to be working a little bit. This is probably the worst I've felt in a long time. Well, I guess it's that time of year.
In other news, I'm in the middle of writing a review for Mass Effect. Not even half way done, plus with this sickness it might take longer to complete. Oh, my Xbox Live subscription has been temporarily suspended until I pay the $50 which I'll do once I get paid. So if you don't see me on Live, that's why. And if anyone is interested, I've added some new songs/videos to my Youtube favorites, check em out. Peace!
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