Good to see a now biased review unlike IGN. This game is definitely not a 10 or a masterpiece in my opinion. It's a linear action game with average shooting mechanics, poor AI, poor melee combat, average story, with very good voice acting.
I personally think that trailers, game play footages, and leaks are destroying the wonder for me.
I liked the times when only thing I got to see of a game was an article in gameinformer showing off some in game screens shots and having interview or demo experience explained. You got enough of a message to know what the game was about and how it would look. Now you see way to much gameplay footage and leak details to the point where the most of the experience is already exposed.
I would love to go back to those times but now I'm to hooked into knowing as much as I can about a game before I make a purchase. Maybe this is because I had lower standards as to what makes a good game back then.
I hope that we can stop having so many leaks on games and less trailers that expose so much of the gameplay before it's release. I feel like Nintendo does a good job of keeping their games a secret until close to their release date.This maybe why I feel with Nintendo games are a brand new experience and not a replay.
Is it just me or did this review sound more like an English paper than an actual review? Honestly, with game reviews I would prefer a simple structure. First explain what the game is about. Second talk about the game play (multiplayer if applicable). Third talk about the graphics. Lastly, give a conclusion. While in each section talk about the strengths and weakness. I think it's a simple enough concept.
phillybro806's comments