Carolyn you seem like you had some horrible players in your game. I wouldn't hold that against the game. Players can ruin any game, just look at Call of Duty. Also, I always felt like I was striving to get the best homes and vehicles so I could feel like I made it in Los Santos. I thought that was the goal of GTA Online. I think most people will disagree with your review since it was based on the game rooms you were in, I personally have had some fun in rooms with strangers. Whether it was doing a survival mission or just hang at each others cribs. I personally liked the online and I hope you will to once you get in better rooms.
I don't care about the freaking story! I just want to know if the game is fun. So many reviews grade on the story and not on how much fun the game is. I guest that's what happens when you have a reviewer who is a hybrid between a journalist and a gamer. We just need more gamer reviewers.
Sony biggest problem is that they always get ahead of themselves in terms of developing electronics. For example, the PS3 is a great console; however, for game developers it was a nightmare. Another example is there most recent television the XBR-84X900 4K LED TV. This television is awesome, but way ahead of its time and outside of conusmers price range. I love sony and their innovative ideas, but I feel like they don't look at the market and decided what will work and will not. As a result, they lose all sorts of money.
phillybro806's comments