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Eragon and Star Wars

I have read on sites and heard from people that Eragon is like Star Wars.

Story starts with travelling princess who is remarkably beautiful who has a powerful artifact that could help a rebellion defeat evil empire. She is captured but manages to transport the artifact to safe place before being captured.
Both feature farm boys that wind up with a powerful artifact that is key to a rebellion. Farm boy goes to old guy who was part of an ancient powerful order for help. Farm boy becomes part of ancient order. Evil guys kill farm boy's uncle and farm boy swears revenge and leaves with old guy...

Sounds familar. I haven't gotten through Eragon yet though. What do you think. I want to see the movie, but if its just a magical verison of Star Wars...

What's Up With All These Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Dolls

There's Barbie, BRATZ, Polly Pocket, and more and more of these look alike dolls. Its not like I have anything against girls or guys with blonde hair or blue eyes, but these look alike dolls are everywhere. Are the companies trying to brainwash kids into liking only blonde haired and blue eyed people or something? Or are they tring to say only blonde haired and blue eyed girls are attractive?

Zutara May Happen! Oh Please No!

For the new Avatar episode, Zuko and Katara are trapped inside of a cave. Katara is seen crying over her mother to which Zuko responds that a lost mother is something they both have. The we see Katara touching Zuko's scar.
NO! Zutara may happen. There's even rumours that Zuko will spend more time with Katara in the final episode.
I don't see why healing Zuko's scar would be a good thing. Sure, its an awful reminder of Zuko's past, but its a part of him and like a trademark. He would be like Superman without his S insignia or Timmy without his pink hat- or Marge without that giant blue hairdo. Zuko may look better, but that would be a total ripoff. It would be like healing Toph's blindness, just to make her feel better. Looks aren't everything.
As for Zutara. There has NEVER been any hint to its existence. No solid evidence whatsoever. Unlike Kataang which has been heavily hinted on numerous timed throughout the series. Only now, in the second to last episode of the second season of only three seasons total, does any relationship form between Zuko and Katara. And this relationship has to start by trapping them in a cave and only starts from their similar trait- a lost mother.
Its purely fandom. Fans started it, not the creators. Have YOU seen any actual hints to love between them? Cause I haven't. And it would be AWFUL for Zuko to suddenly start crushing on KATARA. Besides, Mai is in Ba Sing Se too.

"No, This is Good"

My dad told me a story involving looking on the bright side of things despite how bad they may seem. This story was also told at the SGI Conference in Prescott that I went to. Hope you enjoy.

In some country some time ago, a prince lived. He was rather quick to assume and act. Unlike his best friend who was patient, reasonable, and always looked at the bright side of things. He would say "no, this is good.."; no matter the situation.
As teenagers, the two set off into the forest to hunt. The prince spotted a deer. His friend prepared the gun and handed it to the prince. The prince aimed and fired. Only, the gun backfired and blew off his thumb. The deer ran off and the prince was left with a bloody stump.
Back at the palace, the doctors sewed the wound shut. The prince was miserable, and just like his friend would do; he said "no, this is good".
The prince lost it.
"There is nothing good about losing my thumb! I am disabled! And its your fault! Guards, throw him into the dungeon!" And so, the prince's best friend was thrown into the dungeons.
A year went by and the prince was named king. One day, he went off hunting in the forest on horseback. He was ambushed by a tribe of cannibals who knocked him off his horse and dragged him back to their village. They tied the king to a post and readied the firepit.
One cannibal looked over the prince and saw his thumb-less hand. The cannibals were very prestigious- if you will- and would not eat any form of wounded or imperfect meat. So, upon seeing the wound of his hand, the cannibals untied the king and released him.
As the king wondered back to his palace, he realized that his friend had been right; that by losing his thumb, his life had been saved. Upon realizing this and upon returning to the palace, the king ordered his friend be released from the dungeon.
When reunited with his best friend, the king begged forgiveness and asked his friend if there was anything he could do to make up for locking him in the dungeons for a year.
"No, this is a good thing", his friend said.
The king became angry again. He took his friend by his shoulders, shook him, and yelled at him. "NO IT'S NOT! THERE IS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT THIS!"
"No, there is. Because, if you had not thrown me into the dungeons, I would have been with you, when the cannibals came".

And because of this story, the Young Men's Division of the SGI always do the "hitchhiker's thumb" and twitch it and say "no, this is good".
Hope you liked the story.

The SGI Conference for President Daisoku Ikeda's 200th Honorary Doctorate

The conference was AWESOME.
My dad was one of the drivers and a chaperone, which was great since- while on the way to Prescott- he bought me some Reeses Pieces at a rest stop. We carpooled in a rented van with a lot of people from Seattle and from the Northern States where its filled with forests and is cool. Since it was nighttime while we drove through Phoenix's desert region, the people missed out. So when they woke up the next morning in the freezing (for a Phoenician) forest after it just rained, some said: "oh, Phoenix is just like Seattle". I cracked up.
The conference was held at a Jewish campground, which I thought was kinda weird since there was Hebrew writing and Jewish promotional writing everywhere. The campground was very rugged and was freezing for someone who is used to hot days and very little rain. The bathrooms were disgusting and the water was freezing! The food wasn't very good. The French Toast was hard like a rock and the staff served Mexican beef and such, which I hate. There were apple trees around the campground which attracted mountain lions at night. Staff patrolled the grounds at night when it was freezing and usually raining. They stood around in ponchos with flashlights, lighting our paths. I feel sorry for them. However, they were all male; maybe the prospect of meeting a mountain lion in the PITCH BLACK forest was no big deal. The cabins had little bowls of Hershey Kisses as treats for us (which I helped myself too). Unfortunately, mice found their way into the neighboring room. I didn't see what the problem was. Rats are one thing, but mice are so small and harmless (unless they carry diseases). Besides, why would mice bother humans. They're just looking for food. So, most of those girls slept on our room.
The conference itself had little skits and personal experiences. One skit was of Harry Potter, where Lord Voldemort was slain by... CHEESE WHIZ! :P Everyone was sorted into the four Hogwarts houses. I was in Slytherin (the staff just handed out cards); but the good news is, is that Slytherin answered the most questions correctly and recieved prizes. I got a cinnamon smelling candle from a large selection of scented bath products and stationaries.
We had a talent show which was freaking hilarious. There was this guy named Max who performed a comedy routine. He was so funnny my throat hurt from laughing. :P The adults had a dance contest with the teenagers (which got somewhat graphic). And we even had a fashion show where Max in a French (actually German) accent, commented on the clothes. Guys dressed as girls. Sadly, the models went on for too long and it lost its humour in the end.
I am truley enlightened to the world of SGI Buddishm. I know that I can become a great leader like Sensei (President Ikeda). I will try to chant every morning and every night so that I can become the Buddha like Sensei.
I will never forget this experience.

SGI Conference

My dad is taking me to an SGI conference this weekend. It takes place in Prescott and is like a camp over or something. I'm bunking with a family friend. I'm going to miss my Friday shows.
And since recording Avatar episode everyday is such an annoyance, I'll just buy the DVD collection this Christmas. Which is odd since I'm not Christian. Oh well, its still fun to celebrate.

Some Guy Asked Me Out

A "friend" told me this guy named Victor from my Photo class wants to ask me out. All that I know about this guy is that he has long really curly hair, a mustache, and he's pretty hefty. I don't know anything else. My "friend" tells me that he'll be really upset if I turn him down. What do I do? Last time I turned down a guy I regretted it (and the *ssh*l* ended up going out with my old friend when I left middle school). So what do I do? Please help me!