My family, my mom, dad, and little brother, and I went to Japan for four weeks to visit my mom's family over there. At first I was scared and tired from jet lag. But Japan simply mocks the American lifestyle, they have the toilet in a separate room so they are more hygienic. And if someone's bathing, you won't bother them, they also have screens in front of the bath so if someone were to walk in they couldn't see you. The way Japan is set up is made to ensure a healthy lifestyle. You have to walk everywhere, myself and my dad lost wait just by being in Japan. Everyone stared at me, I have dark skin and big eyes, even by American standards. My mom said that by Japan standards I'm beautiful so that's why they were staring. I don't care, it was so embarrasing. I was eating an icecream bar and people were watching me, I was embarrassed to eat when people were observing me. But Japan was so, clean. The subway had NO trash anywhere, no gum beneath the tables or trash on the streets. And people were so polite. My dad lost his wallet, our only means of cash. If you lost your wallet here, you might get it back, without your credit cards and cash of course. But when we went to the police station, it was there. Everything was in the wallet too. I'm serious, my dad couldn't get over it. My parents considered moving over there, and I don't think it would be so bad of an idea. Everyone was so polite and courteous. And even the beach was clean. You could see through the ocean water. Japan was great, I miss it. America can learn a LOT from Japan.
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